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Under 35 BMI: 4 Days Post-Op Shoulder Pain

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I was banded Friday 12th and today's Tuesday 16th. Yesterday my left shoulder was killing me on and off. It's from the CO2 they pump in during surgery. Also, below my left rib hurts (where the port is located) when I take deep breaths or try to pull myself up from a lieing position. Yeah, it's kinda irritating and will be happy when this part's over. I guess I'm not one to make a major deal over a minor inconvenience.

I've watched women who are pregnant with attitudes like they can't do anything and the world revolves around them because they're pregnant. For me it was no big deal. If you are a drama Queen when pregnant you will probably find a few days of tightness and pain as a bigger issue than it should be. If you are have had a band installed, put your big girl panties on and SUCK IT UP! In all probability you will live through this..... :bored: You took a major step to improve your life. It's a process.

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Hello I am 3 days post op and I have major pain in my left shoulder throat and chest from all the gas??? Have you done anything that works??? The gas x strips have done nothing. Any suggesions???xoxoAlisa

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By the 4th day post op the shoulder pain had pretty much stopped. I was banded Fri and Tues saw the doc for a followup. He said the shoulder pain from gas should be gone by now. I told him that laying on my right side alleviates the pain in the shoulder and left side of abdomen. When I get up, it will often return. He said because of this he did not believe it could be a blood clot in the lung. The pain should not go away no matter what position you lay in. When I told him I took docalax 3 days in a row without relief he said that is probably what's causing the pain. Take MIRALAX (or store equivilant) and if it doesn't work, take some more.

Today is day 7 (Thursday). My abdomen still hurts some (quite shocking when I yawn or cough, but the shoulder doesn't hurt often. I hope the abdomen hurting on the left side after 7 days is normal???????? Taking 4mg Hydromorphone??? does wonders if you need it.

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