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When I started my journey October of last year, I was planning on having my lap band surgery in December. I had met with my surgeon, Dr. Bass. and all was good to go, or so I thought.


Unfortunately, a little thing like breast cancer and a mastectomy took center stage and I had to postpone the surgery until my birthday on June 21st of this year.


At that time I was 5'3" tall and weighed 268lbs. I had diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, my thyroid was not working properly, sleep apnea and overall just felt like crap all of the time. I couldn't walk 10 feet without stopping to gain my breath back. I was not able to sleep and because of the diabetes, my vision would blur after each meal.


Knowing I was having the mastectomy and then I would have the LB, I started to eat a little bit less of the really bad foods and lost a couple of lbs. Then the liquid diet and after the lap-band, well you all know.


I was at my primary care doctor today. From last year at this time to today, I have lost a total of 62lbs. I found out that I am no longer a diabetic and was told to stop my diabetic medication. I was not insulin dependent, but I did have to take pills twice a day. I had Type 2 diabetes for the last 6 years and now I do not. I have been able to control it with diet and exercise.


I also do not have sleep apnea any longer. My blood pressure is perfect. In fact by my next visit, my doctor said she may take away that medication as well. My cholesterol was also better, so in 3 months I am hoping to drop that pill too!


I have heard the phrase "you can't teach an old dog new tricks". Well, I am here to tell you that the phrase is no longer valid where I am concerned. I have learned to #1 take care of myself first. #2 Use the band as a tool #3 Eating correctly and exercise will save my life or at least make my life better.


I know I am looking better, but I am healthier and that is the most important thing I could be.


I wish you all the greatest success with your lap-band becuase I am here to tell you that it may be a slow and steady jog to the finish line, but I know we will all get there. We took years putting on the pudge, we need to love ourselves enough to allow the time to take it off.


Today I am 206 lbs, cancer free, diabetic free, sleep apnea free, my cholesterol and high blood presssure are under control. I feel amazing and am getting stronger everyday. I am still only 5'3", but I feel 10' tall.


Have a great night.

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Fabulous AND Fantastic! Good for you. I also had bloodwork done a few weeks ago and the ONLY thing out of line was that my uric acid was high. The doc's office said that can be caused by eating high amounts of protein . .. well, that makes sense, huh? So, they were not concerned about that. But my cholesterol and triglycerides which have been out of site for years were perfect! I've been off blood pressure and cholesterol meds for over a month now . ..and like you, I feel GREAT! Love it!!

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WOW!!! What a wonderful story. It brought tears to my eyes. You have gone though so much and you've made it. You give me hope and have inspired me. I have other issues as well, but I'm working on them too and hopefully will be health and happy all in one sentence. It was good to read this before I go to bed tonight. You will be in my prayers tonight and I will pray for me too!

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You go girl! You are such an inspiration to so many of us. This is my support group and reading your story just pushes me that much harder. All I can say is WOW! Keep on going! I know that last time my bp was 104/62. I have a feeling I will be off of those meds soon. Keep us posted.

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I have missed your blogs! I was so glad to see you on this morning, and was blown away by your post! Congratulations on your success, you are truly an inspiration!!!

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You posted a fabulous and inspiring blog...love it. You are doing great. Wish you well, and thanks for sharing.

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Please know that you are one of my heroes! I continue to be amazed, inspired and awed by your story. You are awesome!

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