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Liquid Diet Questions - Please Help

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I am on day 4 of the liquid diet. I have not cheated even one inch. I have drank about 3 liters of water a day, only had the doctor recommended shakes, and only eaten Veggies.


Is there anything eles I can eat at all? I havent met with my surgeon to go over all of this yet, as it was a very quick desision and surgery was booked 16 days later. I just really feel like I need to eat more, or even taste something for the first time in 4 days.


Heres hoping Im misunderstanding something.:scared2:

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I know exactly how you feel. I didnt have too much trouble before surgery, I'm having more trouble after surgery as far as wanting to taste food instead of just liquids. I did break down though. I am not to have mushie foods until next week, but I put a little tuna, 1/4 tsp of light mayo and one hardboiled egg in blender and mushed it up. I ate 2 tsp. of my tuna mix. I can't tell you anything differently than what your doctor told you, but what I can tell you is I think this whole thing is a learning process where we find out who we really are and then we form ourselves into that new person with some imaginative ways to do what we think is best for us. So many doctors are telling so many different people so many different things, that it can become overwhelming as to exactly what to do. Some can have and some can't and the ones that can't wonder why the ones who can, can! lol I am doing very well right now. I only have soreness pain and that isn't bad. I have chronic back pain from a surgery 12 years ago that didn't work. My back hurts mostly, but I feel good. I am dizzy, but I know that is coming from me not getting enough of protein. If I am going to cheat however, I am going to cheat with the proper nutritional foods. Hope all goes well and your doctor gave you some ideas. I am not good at using this site. Someone can reply back to me and I can't seem to find then again. I would really like to know what your doctor said. Best wishes and know that the liquid is only temporary.

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