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Week 6

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Well, this is week 6 of my lap-band journey. I had my first fill today and it wasn't bad at all. The most intense part of the experience was the prick to numb the area of the port. After that I didn't feel a thing. So far so good! I have lost 22% of my body fat (22lbs) and am feeling good. I just really have to kick it in to gear to get some exercise going.

Thanks to everyone on this site. I am on here a lot right now and this has become a support group for me. I am inspired by your successes and empathize when you stumble. It so helps to know that other people have ups and downs and just keep trying. That's my goal....to keep up the good fight....that and to be under 200 pounds and off all medication! I am excited by the possibilities!!:cursing:

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