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My Last Supper

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Well tomorrow is my final day...I start Optifast on Friday...Is it wrong to want to eat ALL my fav's tomorrow??? I feel like I'm never going to be able to pig out again...This is good...But, also scary - Because this is what I've done for comfort for so long. When I'm bored - I eat...When I'm happy, sad, mad, etc, etc...I eat. Now what? What do I do now???

Has anyone felt like this before surgery...Had 2nd thoughts???

Well, tomorrow I will indulge in ALL my fav's and say Hello to my new way of living.

Scary, but I'm ready.:)

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Hi Hope~

No one told me about the pre-op diets or what to expect. My medical was approved and then I had the endoscopy on Oct 20th and surgery on the 27th.

I didnt have a chance to have a second thought. The day before I ate all whatever I wanted, and it felt good. After I had the surgery then I second thoughts, but by then it was too late.

It's been a week with my band and I have already lost more then 10 pounds. My jeans don't fit me anymore. The liquid only diet was a lil depressing, but with support from my family and friends, I know it's worth it.

Good Luck,


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Hi Dana,

Thanks for your update...WOW - 10 pounds in a week...That's amazing.

So, you didn't have a 2 week Optifast diet before surgery? Your profile pic looks fantastic...And you need to lose weight?

Has it been a hard adjustment? With all the chewing and eating slow?

I worry about things like being able to swallow a Tylenol when I have a headache or being so thirsty and not able to drink water (really chug it down)...

I guess it just takes time to get used to.

I'm at my all time high of 230 and would like to see 135.

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Now that I know my banding date is in 2 weeks and a few days -- November 22nd, I am enjoying and savoring all the foods I probably won't be eating for a very long time. In fact, if I do get to have them down the road, it will be in such small quantities. But I am ready. I am so ready.

I want to have fun shopping again instead of dreading the plus size department. I want to enjoy going out instead of coming up with excuses to stay home. I want to love me again!!!

I keep asking myself how this happened... as if I don't know. The weight just crept up and up and every five pounds all culminated to where I am today. Why didn 't I diet and get those 5/10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45/50/55/60/65/70/75/80/85/90/95/100/105/110/115/120 pounds off before coming to this decision to have the lapband?

The journey begins with the protein liquid preop. Oh what fun!!! But just for a short period of time.

November bandsters - let's all stay in touch!!!

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I did the exact same thing before I went on my preop diet. In fact, I gained 20 pounds in the 2 months before!!

I don't know how to explain it, but now that I'm banded and I can't pig out, I don't need to pig out. I know that probably doesn't make sense, but what I'm trying to say is that it is going to be okay. I was an emotional eater (for EVERY emotion...is boredom an emotion?) and now, I'm so much better.

Enjoy your foods now, but know that you are going to be fine later too. This isn't like all those other "diets". Best wishes!!

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It finally feels so good to have others in my same vote...I feel the same way as all of the above...

Tomorrow I start the liquid diet...I have a bit of anxiety just that it's 14 days - I have 4 shakes a day - and NOTHING else. I'm planning to put a tsp. of instant coffee in my morning shake...Because I can't drink black coffee...So, I hope it's good.

Any other ideas for the shakes??? The vanilla shakes I thought I could add some cinnamon...I may go check Starbucks for some sugar free syrup - Maybe banana flavour...14 days seems so long.


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