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On an upswing today!

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So far, so good. I woke up this morning and, as usual, weighed first thing. All but 2 tenths of the vacation weight gain had melted away...yay!! I was able to get up a little later than normal because I'm staying home this morning while I wait for my new chair. I attached a picture. It is a little wild, but the rest of my room is kind of plain so I'm hoping it looks good!


Anyway, I went for my run. It took me 27 minutes to run 1.75 miles. Since I would like to run my 5K on Saturday in 45 minutes, I'm off the pace. This morning's pace is more like my Labor Day run pace. So, yay for doing it, but boo for not improving much.


The whole first mile, I kept thinking that there would be no way I could do this tomorrow. I just hurt too much. But as soon as I was done, I was totally planning to do it again. Ha! No pain, no gain! :thumbup:


I have just over 9 pounds to lose by Thanksgiving, so I have to keep at it. Yesterday, I did well with my calories and I was proud of my choices. I really wanted some ice cream last night, but I refrained! It's the little things that make me happy.


So, my run is Saturday and it is Halloween weekend. I have a Halloween shirt and some devil horns, but I was hoping to find something more. I bought a pair of "one size fits most" halloween tights last weekend, but they were too small. I will keep them for next year! I would like to find something like that though.


Have a great day everyone!!

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I like the chair! It will look really good in a room like you said that is kind of plain. I like one really stand out piece. Wow I'm sounding like I'm a decorator or something & I'm not! Good luck on your run & above all have fun:)

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You are a wild woman and the chair is awesome!

Best of luck on the 5K. I am hoping to do it next year for breast cancer. I don't think I could run a 5K, perhaps walk one????

Happy Halloween.

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Good you can get back on track!!!!!!! A lot of people have a hard time getting back to the norm after vacations!!!!! It's good to know you have fun and still get back to your routine instead of staying on vacation even though you are back home!

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