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1st Post op Visit

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Today was my first visit with my surgeon post op.

Good news is that I am down 14 pounds since surgery two weeks ago. Woo Hoo!

Bad news, or not so good news is I dont feel very much restriction right now so the pureed food doesnt do much to satisfy me. The surgeon said my first fill will be Nov 8th! I cant wait. Then at least I will feel full when eating these small amounts.

Other than that I am good. The itching is starting to subside more and more wiht my healing. I am noticing my clothes getting much looser. I tried a little tuna salad for lunch today. Just ate it from a little cup. It was good. :-)

Anyone else have some good ideas for this pureed stage? Ive tried soups, refried beans, cottage cheese, yogurt, oatmeal, and now tuna salad.

Have a great week everyone!:thumbup:

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