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Almost cancelled...

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So yesterday was a BAD day for me and if my flights weren't booked I would have cancelled the entire surgery...I am panicking because of reading those post where they have troubles from slippage, flipped ports, not losing weight...you name it, I am over thinking this! My husband is SO supportive and he laughs sometimes because he said the same thing...just go with it and everything will be fine! I am not sure about that after reading all of these post though...anyone else feeling like I am??? My surgery is set for Nov 17th in Mexico and I have a GF coming with me because she had it done there too!!!


Any help on how to calm down and not think this to death???

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No way not to tink it to death...from what I understand I go into the chat room a lot! and many of the people there complain about all the negative things...so I I havent been in as often. TMI---Too Much Information. I am scheduled for tomorrow...don't focus on the negative things focus on thpositive. Remember what got you to this point in the first place. Remember how when you go shopping you want to buy anything & everything you want & not be so limited in your choices.

Also some people who have slippage is because they have made poor food choices & puke which causes slippage. Be totally committed mentally & physically and remember you have to not want the bad things to eat...the band can't stop you from eating them only you can. As far as not losing weight ask them what they are really eating...there was one lady in the chat roo complaining that she isn't losing but was consuming 2000 calories a day. Take a break from the forum & you will remember why you are doing this.

On friday I had one of those moments but when I put on my outfit to go out & realized that I look like a linebacker...it brought right back to why I wanted to do this in the first place.

I have a blog & I will be tracking my progress as I go. Maybe that will help you...Good Luck!

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I had my surgery on July 28th. Honestly, I hated the liquid phase and questioned myself a lot. However, once I was able to eat the soft food and the weight really started to come off. I am now down 37 lbs. and I am absolutely loving the journey. It is just that a journey. There have been a time or two when I ate something that didn't go down right. It was a learning experience. Not something I hope to repeat. I am still learning and tweaking things as I go along. I hit a plateau one week and when I looked at my journal I was able to see that my eating was fine. So, I changed up my exercise and the weight started to come off. Sorry for rambling...I just want you know that it is normal to feel nervous. However, the results are so worth it! Good luck with your surgery!

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I am with you Jessist. I keep questioning myself and turn to my husband for support. I know deep inside I really want and need this band for my health (I'm 95 over) but it's still hard to accept the life change. I am scheduled 27th this month....

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Thanks everyone...I was going out after my husband got off work yesterday and I changed clothes 4 freaking times cause I was having one of those 'fat' days...I know this is the reason why I am doing this and I just have to stay focused and not read about all the negatives people keep complaining about! I am committed mentally and physically and can not wait for this journey to begin...thanks for all your support and please, ramble...it's what makes us who we are...lol

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