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I am going to float from all these Liquids!

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Seven days from now I will be sitting in a recovery room. I will have a funnel like system in my body that will help me to control my portion size. My stomach will be swollen from the procedure and not feel hungry in the beginning. After not eating, a small sip of broth or a bowl of jello maybe a welcome change BUT....and here it comes....wait for it.....




I am so hungry....no pouch...no small funnel system!


Just a large stomach that is used to eating whatever & whenever it wants. I am peeing like a race horse from all the fluids!




I have had V8...I have had fat-free chicken broth...I have had sugar-free ice pops...coffee...cranberry juice and of course the chalky chocolate protein drink!


But I am committed to this journey I have started. I am two days in to this liquid pre-op and all I keep telling myself is 6 days more and I will be in anesthesia la-la land & not realize how truly hungry I am.


So I refuse to go in the kitchen (out of sight out of mind). But I swear my sense of smell has gotten stronger....I can smell a pizza three block away!

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OMG! I am on day 1 of a liquid diet I put myself on b/c I didn't do well last week with the "Atkins like" diet & my date is Friday, 15th. I have struggled all day today. I'm starving, I have a headache & I am so ready to say...to hell with it & we'll see how things go when they operate.

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My surgery date is the 18th also! Just drank some vegetable broth...you would have thought I was eating Filet Mignon! tasted so friggin yummy!

Naya good luck on the 15th...I a trying hard to stick to it....because I know after I am banded that I have no choice...mentally preparing myself for what is ahead of me.

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