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Hey bandland!


Weird to realize I haven't been here since August 5th.. Life has kept me pretty busy!


I am almost to the 10 month mark, (the 18th will be it) I've been told I'm doing well by my dr's so I'm happy about that. Before the end of the year I have to have an upper GI to make sure everything looks good with my esophagus...yeah that sounds fun.. lol..


In other news, I attended my friend's birthday party last night and saw lots of friends I hadn't seen since my surgery. They all went on and on about how great I looked so THAT... THAT right there makes it all worth it! LOL :cursing: and totally gave me the motivation I needed to keep going and reignite my fire!


On my last fill I had them go aggressive and so now I'm having some issues but for the most part all is well.. I'm doing 2-a-days at the gym and loving it, pilates, yoga, zumba, cardio, weights, kickboxing, swimming, you name it.. I'm doing it and it feels great!


I'm actually feeling the effects of being out of town for the past week without access to a gym.. I can't wait to get back in there tomorrow :thumbup:


Other than that, I think that's it for now.. this is my busy time of year so I don't spend alot of extra time online, but I would love to catch up with all of you, hope you're all doing well!


Love & Faith,


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