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This Thing Called Food

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Last night I dreamt about food.....plates and plates of spaghetti and meatballs. I like spaghetti and meatballs but not enough to waste a perfectly good dream on it. I woke up this morning and had runny oatmeal....nine days postop and starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Yesterday was my first full day without an episode of vomitting. Yesterday was a good day and today is feeling even better. One day at a time.

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Oh, how funny. I had a dream about pickles. I was struggling to get them out of a jar with a spoon. I don't know WHAT made me dream about that! LOL

I am glad that you are slowing getting better and not vomiting. I hope your recovery continues to go well for you! Soon you will be on to the soft stage!

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I'm sorry you've had trouble, but I'm glad you are pulling out of it. Keep moving forward!

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I'm glad you are feeling better, keep resting and following the plan your doctor gave you. This becomes second nature at some point, but we are all together on this "bandwagon" to help each other!

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