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1st day Post Op!

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ladybug on a mission


Well I have transitioned to the other side!!! I am now a Bandster!!! My day at the hospital yesterday was uneventful. I arrived at 7 as instructed, but never went to surgery until about 12. Waiting is not one of my favorite things LOL! So it was making me more nervous than anything. I came home about 4.


Today I am just very sore around my belly button area and hurts just a bit to take deep breaths, but all in all, not too bad. I am so ready for a shower LOL! I will be a good girl and wait until tomorrow as instructed, but boy could I use one right now.


Thank you to everyone who has supported me up to this point and I will certainly be calling on you more, now that I will have bandster questions!




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So happy to hear you are back home!! Walk a bunch, you will be glad you did! Can't wait to hear how your recovery goes. Congrats!!!

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Welcome aboard, ladybug and congratulations. grigg is right . . .walk, walk, walk; small sips; GASX can be helpful; and follow your doc's instructions as it sounds like you are doing. Keep us posted!

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welcome!! Marw could not have said it any better...walk, walk, walk and then walk some more!! Follow your doctors orders to a T and stay in touch...you will be fine! If you have any questions always post them or call your doctor. The saying that there isn't a stupid question..it is so true!! Take care!

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