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Healthy Cost More

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So, I got a $5.99 Salad from Wendys and granted it taste good. But why SO much, I could've gotten a Number 1. Burger,Fries and a Drink for $4.59. So, if ya broke and you wanna eat healthy can't get a good salad. Now they got a salad w/ basically lettuce and a couple shreds of cheese. LOL !! Ya right. Anyhow, I was just trying to make a good food choice at a fast food resturant and it cost me! I have even started shopping a the organic health food store more often for groceries. Ya, I can't do that every week/ its breaking me. So, I just gotta cook better with the regular foods. Well, I'm glad to have this 3day wkend off. I can focus back on my workouts and eating. Hope all have a great weekend. l668997381.jpg

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Sorry but those huge bags of rice and dried beans from Cosco are practically free, very healthy, and very filling!

Eating OUT is always a waste of money.

On the other hand I get what you mean so good luck....

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