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2 for 1 -- lucky me!

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LUCKY ME!! I had what i believe to be my first slimming AND PB incident. It started with me having a horrible headache and sometimes when i throw up it releases some of the pressure...well it did but i was also burping [so gross sounding] and 'water' was just pouring out of my mouth. The heaving was strong enough to make one of my incisions drip blood!! All I kept thinking about was slippage! :) I sure hope not!

Anyway, thought I would share..

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Oh my. I guess the biggest task you have ahead of you is learning what caused your "2 for 1" special and make sure you don't repeat it -- chewing, food?, eating too fast.

Hope everything is ok!

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Sandra..that's just it..i haven't had anything but water. I just can't do the protein drinks..i can't wait til next week when i can go back to the shakes! lol i know i complained on how bad those tasted now i'm excited to get back to em!

I guess i didn't slime...just the bp. I felt nauseated all day..thank God it's gone away.

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Oh my that isn't good! I'm sorry you are feeling bad. Call your surgeon if it doesn't get better soon! Sorry I should have read your profile. The other thing? Get some walking in and try not to stress. It seems stress makes things worse.

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