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Better days ahead!!!!! I hope

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I woke up saying ok this will be a day of greatness for me :)

:hungry: I will not eat anything FRIED!!

:nervous I will not drink and SODA!

:phanvan I will not over do it at lunch with chesse


I will not think NEGATIVE thoughts about ME!


I hope everyone who reads this has a SUPER, AWESOME, KICK-ASS DAY!!!!:clap2:

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I woke up saying ok this will be a day of greatness for me :rolleyes:

:hungry: I will not eat anything FRIED!!

:nervous I will not drink and SODA!

:phanvan I will not over do it at lunch with chesse


I will not think NEGATIVE thoughts about ME!


I hope everyone who reads this has a SUPER, AWESOME, KICK-ASS DAY!!!!:clap2:

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Hey Lady! I am glad to see that u are have a WonDful Day! Today will be good for me too... oops too late, I already ate. Dang should have read the boards before lunch, LOL.

I know exactly how u feel. I am depressed, dont even know how I am gonna give up the foods that I love so much. I am 5'7.25in (yes, I want my .25 inch :D Heaviest has been at 284, so my doc says.. Today is weigh in (I am a member of TOPs) so hopefully I lost since last tuesday. We should chat more... give each other motivation! Talk with ya manana!

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What is TOPS never heard of that before? Yea we should talk more you can always email me at my work address tia_neal-perry@Hilton.com

Im so nervous about the doctos visit.

P.S. Every time I walk up the stairs it sounds like popcorn in my kness! If she says no to Lapband after i tell her that then Im looking for another PCP!!

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