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Monthly Recap

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Another 7.6 pounds down! Yeehaw! I was concerned that my weight loss would slow down a lot after last month's lower (not bad, just lower than normal) loss. But I seemed to have bounced back which makes me VERY happy. :) Too reach my next goal of 199 pounds, I need to lose 12 pounds. I am going to aggressively push to reach that by Thanksgiving. I can do it!!


I worked out 681 minutes in September which works out to an average of 22.7 minutes per day. I can live with that! I also finished my first 5K which is an amazing accomplishment for me!!


I lost 7 inches this month. Most notably, I lost another .75 inches from EACH thigh. I totally believe that my thighs are as small as they have ever been as an adult. I can't imagine how they will look by Christmas!! Also, I lost 1.5 inches off my bust and 2 inches off my hips. Since January, I have lost 13.50 inches off my waist and 13 inches off my hips. Incredible! I was totally muffin-topping out of size 3 Lane Bryant jeans (that's around 22/24W) at the time of surgery and now I fit perfectly into a lovely Misses' size 16.


What a super fun and happy day!! I just can't envision what future months will bring. Thank you all for your continued support! I will catch up with you all on Monday after my trip to NOLA!


~~ Laizzes les bons temps rouler! ~~

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Wow is all I can say! You are doing what we all wanna do. Your hard work is paying off & you sound so happy. Good for you & have a fun trip.

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i am so happy for you!!! Great job!! Your screen name fits you well "LoseIt"! :) I am so glad I joined this site bc people like you are so inspiring and motivational and reading the posts keep me going!

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You are so awesome! Number 1 in my book, you can do it, What is 12 lbs anyway? Just a number to reach and you have all the tools before you. I can remember seeing the first photos of you and you have come a LONG way baby!!!! Congrats~ So happy for you.

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