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The Major Reasons for Weight Lost. What is yours?

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For me..... Being told by Dr I was diabetic and would have to go on insulin if I didn’t lose some weight and eat right. Next, being able to keep up with my girls in their activities-the weight was slowing me down. Being able to go my daughters school and visit w/her and the other kids not laughing at her b/c her mommy was fat(true story). Being able to go on vacations with husband and not have to ask for a seatbelt extension. There are many other reasons but those are the major ones. I just really feel healthier altogether!

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My last straw was going to a Mavericks game with some friends and being absolutely miserable because I didn't really fit in the space I was supposed to. It was awful! I didn't have an incident with an airplane seatbelt extender until after I had my surgery schedule but wow, that was AWFUL!

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Oh, my can I relate! Right before my surgery I had to fly home on a Southwest Flight. My board pass was one of the last one. Needless to say there were no isle or window seat, full flight and I had to find 2 people to sit between! Uggghhhhh....you know that everyone was probably hoping that I didn't sit with them. I picked 2 super thin peoples to sit between. Good news...they were very nice people who didn't make me feel bad. I already took care of that myself. I also want to ride a roller coaster with my kids, and sit in a stadium without the seat squeezing the ----out of me. :)

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Christmas 2009. Flying home from Dallas. I fly a lot for work, and I've gotten used to getting to the airport early, getting exit row or upgraded seating. I was coming home from my mom's house and I was late getting to the airport and the last to board. I'm walking down the aisle toward my assigned seat (row 7 or 8 aisle) and the man next to the open seat said OUT LOUD "I hope that fat ass doesn't sit next to me". I had no choice there were no other seats. No one said anything. I cried for the 2 1/2 hour trip home. Got up on Monday and saw a Lap Band billboard on the way to work. I have tears in my eyes now as I write this.

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1. My health. I was recently diagnosed with Rhuematoid Arthritis, my hips are a nightmare. Lucky me though I come from a family with a long history of OsteoArthritis as well. Yep active in my joints as well. Neither will be cured but I can slow down the deterioration.

2. Missing out on events and places with friends. I skipped some great Rockies baseball tickets this year, I just never get comforatble. There are bars and restraunts I avoid because of know chair issues.

3. Self esteem. I would love just once in my life to get a compliment that stops with your really pretty.... (for a big girl)

4. Role modeling. I would like to adopt someday. I would like to live an active life and teach my kids how to do the same.

5. Living not existing! Everyday!

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I was tired of being sick and tired! Diabetes, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, emergency gallbladder surgery and breast cancer.

I am now feeling much better, looking much better and still have a lot to go, but I will get there.

Best of luck to everyone.

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Christmas 2009. Flying home from Dallas. I fly a lot for work, and I've gotten used to getting to the airport early, getting exit row or upgraded seating. I was coming home from my mom's house and I was late getting to the airport and the last to board. I'm walking down the aisle toward my assigned seat (row 7 or 8 aisle) and the man next to the open seat said OUT LOUD "I hope that fat ass doesn't sit next to me". I had no choice there were no other seats. No one said anything. I cried for the 2 1/2 hour trip home. Got up on Monday and saw a LAP-BAND® billboard on the way to work. I have tears in my eyes now as I write this.

Oh wow that just made me cry!!! I am so sorry that happened to you! You are better than me because I would have accidently drop my bags on his head while trying to put them up top!!!!:) I have heard too many "look at the fat lady" from kids for so long it doesn't even bother me anymore"!

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