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The fight never ends!!!!!

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I was banded on July 21, 2010, and my doctor required that all fees that were not covered by my insurance must be paid in full before my procedure was done. Therefore, I was required to pay out of pocket $2,200.00. Therefore, I would not owe anything once my surgery was done. "So not true"! Since a month ago, I've been getting bill statements from my doctor's office stating I owe a remaining balance of $1,521.62. I though surely some type of error on someone's part had been made, because I had paid every single penny I was told had to be paid in full. I called my insurance company to see what was going on and I was told that my doctor's office was billing under a different tax ID # that what was showing up on his billing invoices.

Therefore, I thought this was a simple mistake that could be easily taken care of. Well, it's been a whole month later and I am still getting the run around from my doctor's office manager. As of this morning, I was told my $500 deductible was not paid which is a lot of bull! :ohmy: I have a copy of my deductible showing as paid on my billing statement which came from my doctor's office. I feel like I am getting the run around from Dr. McCowan's office. I do know that I am not going to pay a penny more for anything relating to my surgery. This entire process is becoming very stressful and the office manager Ronda is really getting on my last nerve. She doesn’t return phone calls and I have to constantly run her down. She is really becoming a thorn in my side!!!!:lol:

I just want to focus on losing weight and changing my life style around my band. :smile:

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That totally stinks! I hope you will be able to work it out with them soon. Sending good thoughts your way!

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My surgeon's office has a new accounting manager and I'm starting to encounter the same types of things. I can't go to any more support group meetings without paying a fee of $25 a week to go. I can't go in again for a fill, unfill or even consult without paying $300 (until December). None of this was in my initial documentation. Not the kind of stress we need! Hang in there!

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Shonette, I am in the same boat as you. I was told that I had a $750 copay due before surgery. I paid it at my pre-op appointment. Imainge my surprise when I'm getting medical bills in the mail for 1,000's of dollars due in 90 days. I didn't know about these additional expenses, didn't plan for them. After draining my savings I still owe more than $2,500 in the next 3 weeks.I spoke with my clinic today. If I don't have it paid off prior to my 3 month post opp appointment they won't be able to do my checkup and fill.

Cause I just have an additional $2,500 in disposable funds at the moment!

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How awful. Here is what you need to do - you write a letter to your doctors office and cc/the insurance company. Outline every penny you have paid and that you are not responsible for a penny more. Send them both certified and tell them you want written confirmation, include a return envelope, that your responsibility has been met.

Do you have a written contract with your doctor? I hope you do and that you have kept all of your payment receipts.

If your insurance is through your job and you don't get this resolved on your own, see your Benefits Administrator to resolve this for you.

Good luck.

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Oh I like the the way Bklynike thinks! Way to go and Shonette, I hope this gets settled soon. In any case, concentrate on doing what you know you are supposed to do with your band .. . best wishes and God bless.

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As of this morning and constant phone calls to my doctor's office, the office manager decided to go ahead and clear my account in full. I was faxed a statement with a zero balance. They did not sound too pleased to clear my account, but they could not give me any good reason why I owed them a penny more. I was also very clear that I was not willing to pay a penny more to them.

I do thank God this situation was worked out in my favor. I really pray fool4dance things will work out for you. I have learned to always keep up with your documentation and have things in writing.

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