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To Scale or Not To Scale????

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I always write down my Sunday weight. I weigh myself each time I go to the gym, 3-4 times a week, but only log in my Sunday weight in my book. I think once a week is a good representation.


Last Sunday I had a week's loss of 4.6 lbs. Today the scale showed me a loss of 8/10's of a lb. My first fill was this past Thurs, so I am very curious to see what I will weigh next Sunday.


I know I am doing everything within my power to reach my goal, and I will make it. I work out like a maniac - call me crazy but I really do enjoy it. A good workout with lots of sweat makes me feel energized and motivated to do more. I eat all the right things. I can't believe that I, the queen of carbs, gave up pasta, potatoes and bread. But my doctor said that by doing so, I would eventually make my goal, so I am doing it.


Do I prefer the 4 lbs loss to the tenths of a lb. you bet your bippy. But my husband reminded me that we learned by watching The Biggest Loser, you cannot and will not have a big loss every week. So, I say next week will be better. My fill is just a few days old, so I have to give myself a chance to catch up to it.


I was 216.6 today. I can't wait until I am out of the 200s, but I am only taking 10 lbs at a time, so I am looking forward to getting below 210.


The scale can be your friend, but it can also make you doubt that you are doing everything and anything you can to get to your goal.


I cannot allow myself to get discouraged when the numbers are not what I am hoping them to be, or if I don't feel they are going down fast enough - But I will not let anything stand in my way.


Have a great Sunday everyone.:smile:

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Love love love your positive attitude. I'm am right there with you on the need and love for excercise...whoaa I never thought I'd ever say that, but I really do enjoy it now. We have some in common, I also gave up breads, pasta, and for the most part potatoes (its an occassion splurge on potatoes for me) I think that has helped me get to where I'm at today. Keep it up...you are doing this and have so much to be proud of...HURRAY

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I used to get on the scale 5, 6, 7 times a day. I let that stupid little device rule how I felt, what I ate, whether I worked out.

I gave up on that. I put the scale back in the garage and don't even watch the scale on Wii fit when I turn it on anymore. I'll weigh every Friday night at the gym and let it go at that.

You are so right -- the fluctuations in loss are so big its hard not to let them impact you. But you have a great attitude and a great partner in your dh!. Congrats on all your success and good luck!!!

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Your body is just catching up! We are all learning that if we do what we are supposed to do, we will get there. It may be slowly, but it will be surely! Keep up the awesome work. You inspire me to push myself harder!!

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