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I'm Back!

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Hello everyone,

I am back again and going to start again. I have not been banded yet, I went to see my surgeon in February and he was an absolute JERK! I couldnt believe it. I cried all the way home from San Francisco. I had lost 28 lbs and I was so proud and when I left...I was deflated :crying: And I hate to say it...but I gave up and ended up gaining most of my weight back :thumbup: I know that was my own fault and I am getting back on track. I got a email from Bariatrics Department stating that they are very sorry about what had happend and I could start back where I left off...but I have to lose about 23lbs....IT CAN BE DONE!

I've decided that I REALLY want to be here when my children grow up and have families of their own. It's just not worth it. So any words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated right now! I absolutely LOVE to read all your blogs. :smile:

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Aw...I'm so sorry you have had to go through all that. :) But now you are back on track and can move forward! Of course you can do it!!! We are all here to help you through it!

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I hope you can get with a different surgeon also. I had a bad experience at the first bariatric treatment center I checked into and I know what you mean, it set me back for a while. My daughter was the one who kept encouraging me to try again and when I got to the new surgeon's office, I knew it was right . . .everything has been great. Best wishes, Malasis . ..keep us posted!

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aww i'm sorry to hear that! I pray that it melts off you so you can keep on with the surgery! btw that is awesome you lost that on your own!! :)

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