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Jax is smart.

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Good morning everyone!


Last night I was still not to my pre-Chinese fighting weight. I was beyond frustrated and quickly coming to the realization that a little Mandarin chicken is NOT going to have that LONG of an effect. When I don't know what in the heck is going on, I go to the numbers.


Accoring to Jax (as many of you know, Jax is my BodyBugg), I should have lost roughly a pound this week thus far...give or take. Seeing that I have only lost two tenths, that is A LOT of TAKE!


I went back further. Last week was my overfill, allergy, emergency unfill debacle. I lost 4.4 pounds last week. Well...according to Jax, I should have only lost 2.3 pounds last week. So at the end of last week, my scale was 2 pounds "ahead", which I'm sure was an effect of dehydration from the overfilled period.


Meaning, I would have to gain 2 pounds this week for me to "break even". Make sense? The fact that I'm down AT ALL is a sign that I'm having a great week! This is why I'm glad I spent the money to buy Jax. I would have been very frustrated this week to work so hard and be at a standstill. However, he has given me the INFORMATION to make me realize what is going on with my body.


Goal track: I still have 2 pounds to lose by next Thursday to reach my mini goal of hitting 210 by my New Orleans trip. But I'm still well on track with my semi major goal to be 199 by Thanksgiving and the major goal of losing 100 pounds (185#) by 1/31/11.


New stuff: I was a little less creative today. I have on an old shirt, but this is the first time I have worn it. I bought it about 5 years ago on the way up. It was tight at the time, but it was on sale. :thumbup: Plus, just a few pounds and I could fit into it! Haha! Anyway, now it looks quite nice. I also have on my new black flats. They aren't fancy, but everyone needs a basic pair of black flats! My jeans are a size 18 and it is apparent that it is time to retire them. I have 9 pairs of jeans (keep in mind that I wear jeans to work) and over the last 2 weeks, I have had to retire 5 pairs! I think if I try on a 6th pair, they will have to go as well. Looks like someone is going jeans shopping!!


Have a wonderful, wonderful Friday! And a safe and happy weekend!!

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YAY jeans shopping!! You're doing great, don't worry. I'm glad you mentioned your BodyBugg. My gym has been trying to sell me on one, is it really worth it? I'v never gotten a chance to talk to a real person (not trainer or gym rat who's 98lbs and thinks they're fat) about it.

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Great Job on losing weight and having to retire jeans!!!! I keep wearing mine though and my sister is like please get rid of those baggy jeans!! I will go shopping when I get out of these dreaded 300's!!

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Sounds like Jax is a pretty smart gadget . . glad he works so well for you and comforting to know the numbers and the "why" . .you are doing great and I love your posts!

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