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11 months out....wow!

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I think back to a year ago, and I had just gotten approval from my insurance company, and scheduled my sugery. What a difference a year makes! I walked into surgery weighing 277lbs - this morning on my scale, I weighed in at 193lbs. 193 lbs in 11 months - holy smokes.

I always wanted to be a thinner woman - and not be the biggest mom in the group, and cringing when boarding an airplane hoping the belt would buckle. I wanted to fit in the desks at back to school night, and wanted to stop undoing my pants on my drive home, since I had stuffed myself into a too tight pair of jeans rather than buy a larger size. I wanted to look in a mirror and not cringe, I wanted to buy clothes in the regular ladies section, not the plus sized section of the stores. I wanted that - and went on so many diets in an effort to acheive it - but always failed. I wore a 26/28 shirt, or a 3XL, and squeezed into 24 jeans, but really should have been in 26's. I muffin-topped out of every single bra I owned.

Not now - October 19, 2009 was a day that will forever be noted on my calendar as a second birthday, if you will. My rebirth - the day the NEW me came into being.

I have joined the gym, I walk several times a week, I don't just sit on the couch anymore! I wear a large t-shirt, and bought size 16 jeans today (whoohoo!) and they fit comfortably (meaning no unzip on the way home from work!). I bought a sweatshirt in a large, too, since the XL was just too big and the arms way too long (why do clothing people always think heavy people have REALLY long arms!!!)

I have new goals - such as hitting the 100lbs down mark by the time 2011 arrives - and trying to figure out what to do with my boobs, which now look like two deflated beach balls, altho they easily stuff into anything these days. I also would really like to see what buying size 12 jeans feels like! THAT would be awesome!

11 months...and I am happy with my progress so far! This has certainly been a journey - but one I wish I had the courage to make years ago, instead of waiting so long! I cannot wait to see what the next 11 months have in store!

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I just made an account for myself tonight. Trying to find real people with real stories. Yours is teh firsdt I clicked on. How amazing! SO SO SO much I wish I could ask you. I have been frightened for years to go this route and finally started to rethink this option of LAP-BAND®. Your 11 month journey is so wonderful to hear. Would you mind if I asked you some questions. Please let me know. I am not sure if I will find this link again, I hope I do not lose you. I'd like to follow your great story. Thanks for your inspiration.

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I'm smiling as I read your post because I can just FEEL your happiness. Every congratulations to you and I just know you are going to continue doing well!!

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