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Two Days, I am worried about the pain

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I don't know why, I am not worried what so ever for the surgery except for the pain. I know it's not going to be as bad as I imagine it, and I know because I have had my gall bladder removed, and it was bad the first couple days only (and mostly because the anesthetics made me nauseous and I dry heaved and threw up), a lot of pain for me, but I just keep hearing that the port site is the worse, and it itches, and I don't tolerate pain that well to begin with. Not looking forward to the pain, and I, for some odd reason, don't like the idea of the permanent stitches in my stomach going around the band. I am grossed out by the thought, I am sure it doesn't hurt that much, but the idea just grosses me out (I have an extremely vivid imagination and am extremely empathetic to pain), and the idea...ugghhh...plus I am terrified of popping a stitch. My surgeon also puts a stitch in the tailbone area, I don't know if that's normal or not, but I am already creeped out by this and the idea of the feeling. :thumbup:


I am excited to be put under, I do love anesthetics! Especially when they use the kind that drips into your I.V. and you feel the coldness creeping through your arms, legs, and all over! It is such a cool feeling. It's a good thing I have never tried drugs, because there is a good chance I would be an addict! So there's my silver lining...anesthetics


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Try to focus on the benefits of having the band as a tool in your efforts to lose weight and get healthy. I remember somebody telling me to create a picture in your head of how you will look and feel and then focus on that. Best of luck to you!

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hserra, when they get ready to put you under, let them know that you get sick and they will but something in your IV that will help with nausea:huh2:

PS. 2 funny, I like anesthetics too:)

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First believe me it hurts much, much less than gallbladder surgery. That was the first thought I had when I woke up. Secondly it's probably morphene that makes you nauseous, with me they gave me Dilaudid post op instead of morphene and I had no nausea. Also my doc injected lidocaine into the port site directly so it was numb. Talk to your doc about your fears and the anesthesiologist about it. When I went in I told everyone who asked how I was doing that I was scared, they were all very nice and supportive. I also told them I have a very low pain tolerance. After the 2 shots they gave me post op, my pain level was 1-2 till after I got home and as long as I took the Lortab every 4 hours my pain never went over 3. It's ok to be scared, this is surgery but think of this, how much pain, both emotional and physical have you already endured by being overweight? I'm sure that this few days of discomfort are nothing compaired to that.

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Yeah, my doctor already gave me a medicine (Metzolov, i think is the one for nausea...I have like 10 prescribtions for this surgery, one for gas, nauseauosness, and more, the names are getting mixed up), I am supposed to take it before surgery so that the morphine doesn't make me sick, and he gave me dilaudid (because there is a shortage of Hydros), for pain management. I think my biggest fear is those damn staples in my stomach, I am so worried about poppin those! Thanks for all the advice!

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It doesn't hurt. As far as surgeries go at least. Seriously it's not that big a deal.

I had nuesea after but it was short term. I only took the pain meds the first 48 hours.

Work to recover and you will recover.

I've popped stitches in my port and didn't even notice. My port is starting to flip and were watching it to see if it continues towards my nose.

It's easy sneezy. I'm a terrible slimmer. That's my complaint. I throw up a lot. Any emotional change, period, altitude change and everything sticks. Still wouldnt' change having the band for nothing.

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to me it was like a very sore, pulled muscle. If I had to put any pressure (if I sneezed or coughed or even got up from the chair) I would hold a pillow snug against the port area and it helped. To me, it wasn't a hurt but a strong pressure but it wasn't painful. I didnt pop any stitches and they dissolved a few days after the surgery. as for the itching I would pat mine and it seemed to help also I used unscented lotion like lubriderm for dry skin. Don't know your Dr's thoughts on that. Good Luck and soon you will be on the other side of this wondering what you were so nervous about to begin with!


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