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Out of control

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GEEZE..where to start.. since my last blog in July things has turned for the worse.. my husband finally returned to work after his injury (thank goodness) but my mothers health has deteriated rapidly..she is now at stage 4 cancer..its gotten to the point where hospice has stepped in and is taking care of her..it hurts to see her in pain and there's absolutely NOTHING that I can do to make it better. She use to be such a happy person and now all you see is sadness in her face..this has been a rough road for my family..back in 2001 I lost my daughter and now Im about to lose my mom.. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO..I have been very depressed and this LAPBanD is NOT going too well.. I am now back up to 221 LBS..WOW!! I cant believe it.. I have about 6 cc's in my band, I have some resrictions but not too much..Im just LOST..I know that I am not making the right food choices because of the massive weight gain..but I tend to eat what I can hold down, which of course is JUNKFOOD.. someone help me!! PLZ!!

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I don't really have any advice for you but to keep a hold to whatever faith that you have. I will pray for you now if you don't mind and if you do just ignore my comment about prayer. I went through the same exact thing with my mother three years ago and it was the hardest thing I have ever done! I didn't have my band at that time but I gained around 15 pounds so I know what you are going though. Going out to eat with my sister and eating seemed to help drown all my feelings I was having at that time, but it actually made things worse. On top of stressing over my mom I was embarrased over my weight gain. Keep your head up!

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I am so sorry for what you are going through. I am in the home health business and I have seen so many family members like you in so much pain for their loved ones. The helpless feelings that you have are devastating and can send you into a spiral that will be very difficult to climb out of. Taking better care of yourself will help you deal with the stress of your mom's health. Not taking the time for yourself is just giving you double stress and it's taking energy away from what you need to do for your mom and your family. Take a deep breath, go back to where you were when you first started to lose weight, and try and get your mind there again. There are all kinds of support groups through hospice agencies that can help you through this painful time. I will pray for you too, but like Shurmeka said, ignore that if you do not want it!

Please keep us posted!

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I am terribly sorry for the loss of your daughter and the iminent loss of your mom. I lost my mom last year. Hospice was a Godsend, so allow them to help in any way they can. They will take some of the pressure off.

As for you, if you don't start taking care of yourself you will end up sick and in the hospital. If you don't have friends or family to speak with, you need to seek out a therapist.

I know it isn't easy, but you need to find the strength within yourself to pull yourself up and get back on track. Good luck to you.

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