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A minor set back, but not a big deal in the whole scheme of things

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So yesterday morning, I all of a sudden remembered that I HAD to pre-register for my surgery for Friday (yesterday was Wednesday, I am cutting it close). So I called the hospital, and they take my name and number, and promise to call me back. A few hours later, I call again, and receive the same treatment. It was kind of irritating to receive this kind of service, usually the hospital is really good at calling me back.


Anyway, I happened to stumble across a post on a forum, a person's surgery date got pushed back a few weeks due to a shortage of anesthetics. And this person was informed TWO days before surgery. It was weird because the first thing that came to my head was, "Something like this is going to happen to me." I didn't know what, but I just KNEW it was. And it wasn't one of those feelings of "Oh it would only be MY luck that this would happen to me," deep in my heart I just knew mine was going to be pushed back.


Low and behold, a few hours after reading this, my surgeon's office called to inform me that my surgery is being pushed back a week because something has come up with the Surgeon's Assistant, and she is unable to assist in the surgery.


It was weird, I wasn't angry or upset, because I KNEW this was going to happen. Luckily, I am a pretty understanding person, and I never shoot the messager, it certainly wasn't her fault, and it's not like I have to wait MONTHS for a new date, it was only a few extra days. Although, I have already completed 8.5 days of a very, VERY strict 10-day clear liquid diet (no sugar, no caffinee, and no carbination), and three protien shakes a day that all together had to equal 90grams protien, under 600 calories, and under 18 grams of sugar. But I was given the option to take a 4 day rest and then continue the diet for 5 days prior to the surgery, so there's the silver lining in that aspect. I figure on just coninuting on the liquid diet, I know that if I stuff my face with food I will just get sick from the food because I am not used to it, and then I will get sick from the shakes again because I am now not used to those and have to detoxify my body again. But I AM going to get some fruits and veggies and have one nice meal with my husband. I will take a little advantage of my 4 days of freedom!


Another down note, is my Mom drove into town to help care for me and take care of my daughter during my first week of recovery, since my husband works out of town during the week. So now she is in town early, and decided to stay through Saturday, but then is coming back on Thursday next week. And now her birthday is right in the middle of my recovery week. I just cannot thank my mom for all that she STILL does for me! I am extremely lucky to have a Mom who is a housewife, and is able to come down to my city at a whims notice. Luckily we only live 2 hours from each other.


My poor husband was more worried, he traded extra work for the day off on Friday, as we used all our vacation on a trip to Oregon and Washington DC. But his boss was really understanding and is giving him the time off, paid for. My job is also extremely flexible, so I wasn't worried at all about switching weeks. With all these elements, it is probably why I am still so positive and know that everything happens for a reason!:cool2:


By the way, the hospital registration office still hasn't called me back....I feel that this might be a little battle...:thumbup:

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I don't believe in coincidences, and everything does happen for a reason. The path of least resistance is trusting in Him, Our savior Yahweh Yahuwshua. May everything go well on your surgery date.

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When the time is right your surgery will happen. I believe in things happening for a reason. So when everything is perfect, you will have your surgery and you will be so happy that these small setbacks won't really mean anything. I wish you the best of luck. This was the best gift I could have given myself, and I am sure you will find the same. Stay on top of the hospital and doctor's office, you have to be your own advocate.

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Right now, I wouldn't mind a break from this liquid diet. Yesterday was my second day on them, and I did eat a scrambled egg last night, and that was all it took. Do you think I did something really bad, and is it ok to eat an egg a day til I get a little closer to 9-28, Surgery date?

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Right now, I wouldn't mind a break from this liquid diet. Yesterday was my second day on them, and I did eat a scrambled egg last night, and that was all it took. Do you think I did something really bad, and is it ok to eat an egg a day til I get a little closer to 9-28, Surgery date?

I am sure you probably didn't do anyhting to damaging, just wouldn't recommend that you continue doing it. The hardest part is the first few days, with all the withdrawals and body changes. But at least you picked something high in protein if you are going to cheat. I remember my first night, I snuck a bite of pizza from my daughter's plate, chewed it, felt terrible about it, and spit it into the garabage. I think a lot of people have their moments of weekness and give in a little.

Also, every doctor's office/practices are different, some wait until two days before the surgery to start the liquid diet, and others want you to go two plus weeks on it (like mine). It just depends I guess. But hang in there, it's gets better, I promise! You definitely get much more used to the "hungry" feeling.

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I'm sorry to hear of your set backs, but keep the faith and be grateful for the great support group you have. Best wishes.

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