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It's Thursday...Friday tomorrow!

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Hi everyone! I think I must've caught something while on vacation because I've felt puny the last couple of days. I took some Nyquil and went to bed at 8:30pm last night so I feel a little better today. Hopefully, I will feel a lot better by the afternoon because I work at Jazzercise tonight. If I'm going to be there I'm going to work out!!


I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend. Tomorrow after 3pm, I have to call the US District Court to find out whether I will be called to Jury Duty on Monday. I have never been called before, so there is a part of me that would be interested to participate. The other part of me knows that I'm super busy during the next 2 weeks and jury duty could really mess me up! :wink: I will keep you posted.


Tomorrow is also my annual well woman exam. Super fun! At least I'm not old enough for mammograms yet, so I suppose it could be worse!


Have a great Thursday!

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Hey Loseit!, hope you are feeling better. I have talked with several people, my daughter is one, who have had a stomach bug or sore throat lately . .. it's that time of year, I think. Take Care and have a nice restful weekend.

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