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Thank Goodness

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I had my mammogram and ultrasound today and luckily I am fine - still cancer free! I am so excited and thankful that the testing is done and I got my test results immediately following the tests. I see my oncologist on Friday, but with these 2 tests behind me, I know everything will be fine.


I had my husband take my green shirt Sept pictures on Sunday, but we just got a new computer and he hasn't up-loaded Photoshop yet, so I am hoping to upload my new pic by the end of the week.


Last week I lost a total of 5lbs. This week I lost 8/10s of a lb. It was my first week without a 3 or 4 lb loss, so I was a little disappointed. But a loss is a loss, so I won't be a baby - I have taken my big-girl pill and I hope this week will be better.


My first fill is scheduled for next week. This is now the 4th time I have been scheduled for my 1st fill - perhaps this time I need it. I only log my Sunday weight, so depending on what happens this Sunday will determine whether or not I am ready for the fill. I am still not hungry between meals, I am not eating anything more than I should and I feel really good. I would love to say I've lost 40 or 50 lbs since my surgery, but I truly believe slow and steady will win this battle.


I started this journey at 268lbs back in January at the time of my cancer/mastectomy. When I had my LB surgery on 6/21/10 I was down to 251lbs. This past Sunday I weighed in at 223lbs. There are many people who have lost a lot more than me at this point of their journey and those who have lost less. There is no comparing to be made. Everyone loses at a different rate. I have never and I mean never been able to lose more than 25lbs on any diet, except one time on Atkins when I lost 40, but had gained every single lb back and more. I truly believe this time I am winning the battle.


I love the gym, I love the cardio and weight training, I love my new way of eating and I especially love the way I look and feel. I know this new lifestyle is my lifestyel, for the rest of my life - being healthier and getting smaller will extend my life and the exercise will help me feel better, move better and I love it.:smile:


Good luck to everyone and please check back to see my new photos in a couple of days.

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So happy to hear the Cancer Free! I had a bout with Colon Cancer back in 2003 and every year I have a Colonoscopy in December, my Christmas present to myself! Before I had the LapBand back in March 2009 there were two Cancerous Polyps and I had them removed. Then I had the Band and so far no cancer! Thank God. I like the way I feel and look too! You keep on with that determination, nothing can stop us now!

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I have a friend who has to have the same tests & it is so nerve racking for her each time. I'm so happy for you that everything went well & you can breath a sigh of relief. Congrats & looking forward to your next picture:)

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Yeah for you my friend. And yes loosing slowly is the best. I just want to loose something. Still have appointments to go to but each day is one day closer to getting my band. I read your blog and you are so inspiring for me. I need help to tell me I am full. I have stopped eating between meals but still eat what I want at meal time and have gave up soda completely. I really am enjoying the diet cranberry juice and finding myself drinking much more water. I can't wait to see the pictures. Wow, 223. I have not been that low in about 10 years. You must feel wonderful. I will be watching for the photos.


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I am glad to hear about your test results. You have always done fantastic in your weight loss and your healthy living and I always appreciate reading your blogs and seeing your updated pictures. Continued best wishes.


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Congratulations all the way around!! Cancer free is the BEST news, but your weight loss is fabulous too. You are awesome!

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