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Nervous About First Fill

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Hi, all! I am scheduled to have my first fill on September 14th. I have no idea what to expect and I am a little nervous. What do they do? What should I expect? Are there any special things that you must do after a fill? Does it hurt? I had my surgery on July 28th. I am sticking to 3 meals a day. Although.....I get soooooo hungry between meals. I try to act like I am full. Or....I drink lots of water to try to make myself feel full. I was not expecting this to happen. Any info on this would be very much appreciated! :confused:

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You & I had surgery on the same day! I had my first fill on 9/1 and you really need to read my blog entry on what NOT to do at your first fill!!!!! It honestly, truly is not a big deal...and it does NOT hurt! I am a huge baby with needles and worked myself into such a tizzy that the fill was not successful...and I needed it to be. Here's a rundown of what a fill is (if your place is like True Results)

1. Do not eat or drink 2 hours prior to your appointment.

2. I was brought to a room that had an x-ray machine and a table with a big pillow.

3. I was told to lay down on the table with the pillow in the middle of my back, so I was arched upward. That was intimidating for me! The reason they have you do it is to make it easier to locate & stabilize your port.

4. They have you put your hands over your head (so people like me won't react & try to push them away!) I asked to hold the hand of the helper - which was SO helpful!

5. Then, all in a matter of less than 30 seconds, they insert the needle (I did NOT feel pain and did not get the numbing agent) remove the liquid (only for the first fill), measure it, replace it plus however much they think is appropriate. And seriously, less than 30 seconds!

Had I known this, my first fill would have been so much better. I hope it helps you!!!!! The best of luck to you!

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Thank you so much for that information! It is great that to find someone who had their on the same day! How is everything going for you so far? I am down from 313 (July 21/my highest weight) to 289 lbs. That is exciting for me. How has it been since your first fill? Also...thank you so much for the information! It is GREATLY appreciated!

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No problem! And way to go on your loss! You are doing fantastic! I have been the same restriction wise since my fill, they were actually only able to measure & add 2 DROPS because I was such a spaz...so pretty much no restriction right now. I am watching my portions and exercising, but am looking forward to a week from Wednesday to get a real fill!

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I have had 4 fills, but my first one was like this: After 3.5 hrs of traveling, enter the doc's office, get weighted and follow the staff into a room with a table, and special x-ray machine. I sat up on the table, pulled my shirt up and laid down, head was on a little pillow. The nurse rubbed my port spot and the doc viewed it in the x-ray machine, I could see it also. Next the doc prepared and injection with 2 cc's and boy what a needle on that injector-6 inches. Scarry Huh, no not really, then he jabbed it in the port, and it felt like a small bee sting, and five seconds later it was over. Went to the lobby to sit for a while and drink some water. Don't leave the doc's without being able to drink water. All of my other three visists took 5 minutes or less, 15 min total, nothing to it---no pain, nothing.

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