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the emotional part after the banding

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well i just got banded sept 2nd and im home now! i dont know if its the discomfort thats got me so blue but so many things are running threw my head right now ... i want to cry everytime i walk into the kitchen,i keep thinking im never going to eat again,even though i know its not true.. i was even regretful lastnight. please someone tell me this is going to pass or should i all the pshycologist for support. im afraid of sharing this with family because i dont want anyone to say i told you sooo! i need words of encouragment......:confused:

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Don't worry, your just mourning your loss of your old lifestyle, it will pass. Once you start seeing results, this feeling will diminish. And you will eat again! I actually feel I can eat more, not more food but more choices. Before the band, when I went to a restaurant, I was limited on the menu to things that were large portions because I didn't want to be hungry when I was finished. Now I can order anything on the menu and be happy with it. I am through trying to lose weight so my band is semi-loose and I have not found anything I cant eat if I take my time and chew properly, but even when it was tighter, I could still eat everything except bread and bananas. It will get better, I promise and shortly you will be the one telling your family, I told you so!

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Thank you for posting this. I'm due to be banded next month and I keep thinking of all the food I think I won't be able to have. I'm eating every meal as if it's my last and have put on three pounds this week.

This site is great for understanding more about the whole process.

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I cried a lot after getting home - on and off for about 2 weeks and could not understand why! I think my body was just so confused with the surgery and the liquid diet and once I could eat more than broth it started to subside.... then once I was on limited foods it got even better! Please don't stress about it but if you think it would be helpful to talk to your psychologist, then you should - and that is what they are there for!!!

I was about 3-4 weeks out before I could say I was truly excited about my new journey but it does come - I promise.

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I agree with everything that has been posted in response - I would only add that every body reacts differently - even the anesthetic can make you blue for a while . . .we're here for you ** hugs **

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I wish we would have had a little more notification -- so many of us have felt that way and didn't read about it in the multitude of books and pamphlets from the surgeon...

It gets better every day that goes by as you realize how much better you feel. And when the clothes start getting loose? The feeling moves quickly to euphoria.......

Get rest, nourishment and walks. We'll be there for you....

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I didn't struggle with the emotional part too much until I started getting fills. I think mine is mostly because I was and have also been an emotional eater. Now that I can't eat for my emotions I have to deal with whatever is triggering that emotion.

Right now I am too tight and that in itself causes me to be blue. Trying not to eat sliders but tired of sliming everytime I try to eat something no matter how much I chew.

I hope your blues pass. I have found if I will do something to get my mind off of it it helps. Also exercise helps because your body releases endorphins and that makes you feel better. You will feel better as you start losing weight. It is worth it.

Good luck and remember everyone on this site is a great support system.

God Bless

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I remember the first week after surgery....wondering why I couldn't have done it on my own. I thought if I could drink liquid for 2 weeks...surely I should have done it on my own. However, once I was allow to eat soft foods, I begin to feel much better and appreciate the lapband. I had my surgery July 28th. I won't get my first fill until September 14th. I am feeling so much better about this choice all the time. :)

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I am soo thankful that I read all of these posts. I was banded 8-26 and was totally stoked for the first couple of days and then on the day that I was first home, I remember thinking, WTF did I just do.. I have been on the liquids for three weeks now (2 pre-surgery) and I too thought.. damn.. maybe you could have done this on your own.. Then there was yesterday.. Someone on Facebook made a dumb azz comment about my Lapband being a "quick fix". When I shared this with my husband, he really didn't say too much. I wanted him to get all upset like I was. When he did not, for some reason I was soo upset and started crying hysterically (I am definitely NOT a crier).. well maybe for some sappy Lifetime movie.. LOL But you know what I mean.. I don't get emotional over day to day stuff. So I think that surgery in itself may have ups and downs.. but I notice the better I heal.. the better I feel! Good luck to you.

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