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NO Patience

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I don't know what happened to my patience. I had a little. It must have been stored in my boobs and it faded away......


I don't see any change or feel any change in my weight or clothing or looks for a LONG time. I'm losing, but VERY slowly now and its bugging me to no end. I work out 4 x a week at the gym and I don't eat over 800-900 cals/day. My hair is thinning and I'm tired.


I feel like my house is not in order. My house where I live in this case. I spent hours this weekend washing blinds and cleaning cupboards and washing bathroom accessories. It doesn't seem like its been that long since that's been done, but it was all dirty and I'm mad about that.


I am just impatient with my life right now. Nothing is in order (it feels that way to me) and I've lost control. As a Christian I realize I have no control but logically that is not computing right now.


Thank you all for letting me vent. I'll get better............:biggrin:

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Wow! Your working this program really hard so this is probably just a plateau. The hair thinning has been happening to me & my Dr. put me on 1000 mg. of Vitamin B-12. It takes about a month I guess to see results. There's shampoo & other stuff but I'm trying this first. It's ok to vent...Your alway's giving such good advice & fellowship to other's, now it's our turn to help you. :-)

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If you are working out 4Xs a week and only eating 800-900 calories, that does not sound like enough calories. In other words you may wanna bump up your calories by 300, and then see what happens. The reason I say this is because your metabolism may be in "starvation mode" because with normal every day activities AND exercising instead of burning the calories, your body may be storing them because there is simply not enough caloric intake with all that you are doing.. Just a thought. Try bumping up your calories (protein) and then let me know what happens in a week. I bet your body will use those extra calories as fuel to burn :)

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I tried to post a comment, and for some reason I do not see it! LOL.. Basically I was advising you to increase your calories by 300 for a week and see what happens. With all that you are doimng daily activities AND working out a lot, you are not providing your body with enough fuel to burn, instead it is going into starvation mode and holding on to the extra calories.

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SandraDee, we all know that patience is a virtue. I know that you can do this. Remember the weight did not happen overnight and I know you can recite the rest. Stay strong and be encouraged with the success that you have accomplished. You are ALWAYS so supportive and encouraging to all of his. Have faith and know that you will be okay and get past this stage!! Good Luck!!

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I agree with Diva, I think you are not getting enough calories - especially protein if you are losing hair. Try upping them with some healthy calories. And remember, a slow loss is still a loss! I know I had weeks when the pounds would NOT come on (before the band)...so I know there will be times when they will slow down coming off, if that makes sense!

Keep up the good work! You are such an inspiration and cheerleader for so many of us!!!!!!

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Calories is it, and multivitamins. Really patience is our virtue. Relax and take a deep breath. Take one day at a time and one task at a time, I do, cause I have the same feelings, of lots to do and no time to do it in, and my patience is low when it concerns time. Anyway being a lapbander, it's patience that counts, our weight loss is gradual and for some they are lucky to see more than a few #s each week and month. Protein is the key and calories--eat enough to get your metabolism going. I read that vitamins will help in the loss of hair department. Your just fine, just relax, and readjust your schedule to the new you.

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Yup calories....my surgeon put me on 800 and I started to gain. I upped back to 1000 to 1200 and now I've lost 5lbs! As for the hair loss, try Biotin caplets. I started taking them about a month ago and I think it's helping. (again..OTC B vitamin suppliment packaged under "HAIR, NAILS AND SKIN) Don't over work yourself and take it

easy. I'm the same way with cleaning (I do it in more detail now that some pounds are off!!...hormones??)


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We all have to vent from time to time!!!!! You have been so encouraging to others...let someone be encouraging to you. God is going to see you through! Just trust Him and let Him guide you out of the storm.

Be encouraged!!!

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If you find your patience, see if your boobies are there, if they are check and see if my patience and boobies are there too and tell them to come home, I miss them!

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We all get to a point where we feel we need a change or that something we have been doing isn't working any longer. I agree that you may not be feeding yourself enough protein and/or calories. If you body thinks you are starving it, you won't lose the weight. So, perhaps a protein shake or a little more food will help you speed up the loss. Your comments are always and I mean always supportive and encouraging. You should go back and read some you have written just to me, and you will see how great you are. I am pulling for you - I know you can kick butt. Don't give up, don't get upset, just do it. I know you have it in you.

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I cannot add a darn thing that hasn't already been posted; however, because you ARE so encouraging, I must put something in print to send you my support. I know you will pull out of this little funk . . .keep doin' what we're supposed to be doin' and it will work! Hang in there and God bless!

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I hate that, something's out of order but I can't put my finger on it, feeling. The good thing is that it WILL pass. Keep up all of your hard work, and it will pay off...Remember a lb a week is 54 lbs a year. SO even half a lb a wk is 27! :) I know, though, I got pregnant a month after my band. I can't wait to be able to have another fill and get back on track. I feel like I have wasted 8 months of weight lose time :) We will do it togehter! Keep in touch :) and keep positive :)

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Sitting here reading all this with tears in my eyes. Thanks to all of you for your wonderful support. I think I'm so anal, so organized, so "set in my ways" that it is very hard sometimes to see a step ahead. God bless all of you; all of us!

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First of all...stored in your boobs? Hee!!

I can totally second your frustration. I feel like I'm in a constant state of it!! That's why we are all here for each other. :)

Try something new and see what it does for you. I don't disagree with the folks suggesting more calories. That isn't very many for the workouts you are putting in. Did you decide if you are going to get a Bugg? If you are burning 2500 calories a day and consuming 800? Your body probably isn't liking you very much!!

Hugs, girlie!!

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You have been very supportive for many of us!...you will do well, I agree with everyone, increase your caloric intake..Keep up the good work!

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I am so very sorry to hear about the dark clouds in your life right now! Please know that God has your back and you’re not alone. I to feel that things start to get out of order in my life and home, but that's when I really have to reach down deep and draw from my faith in God. I have learned that patience is a virtue and it builds character to only make us better.

You have to eat, because your body will not release anything if it thinks you're starving yourself. My doctor told me the key to being successful with the band is good food choices and adequate protein daily intake. You have all the tools you need to be happy and healthy. You need to relax, reflect, and release any unwanted stress. "You can do all things through Jesus Christ that strengthens you"!

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