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14 days after my surgery

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Well this is my first blog ever! I had surgery on the 9th of Aug. and everything when really well! I I go back to work tomorrow and I have lost 25 lbs since I started the pre-op diet.

I don't know if any one else feels like this but , I have felt that I need to get my band filled for about 7 days now! I have been eating solid food for about 7 days as well. I have not thrown up at all. My first apt. with my dr. is not until the 15th of Sept. and I can't wait to get this thing filled and not be hungry all the time. Well good luck to everyone who is thinking or has gotten the lap band it is sooooo worth it!!:biggrin:

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I had my surgery 7/28 and my first fill isn't until the first of Sept. I was on liquids for 2 weeks after and am still on mushy food. My doctor said I had to do this so my stomach could heal. That might be why you have to wait for your fill, too. Be patient! You are doing great!!!!

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Not really I kinda skipped the post-op phase! I know bad hu! I did the broth and the jello and yorgurt for about 4 days and then I was able to eat solid food. Now I am doing the low carb diet! Sorry I couldn't be more help!

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Lucky, the 2 weeks after surgery i have to stay on liquid it is a huge PAIN!! im doing liquid now its my 6th day and i want to strangle someone ):

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