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Wow! I went to my Ob/Gyn last week and had actually lost 10 pounds just in anticipation of the lapband. I have less trouble losing weight than keeping it off and am actually worried I might lose too much weight and get too low a BMI! That may be a first for me.


I still expect quite a fight from Cigna, as they do have this exclusionary clause in the policy that I have saying no CHN employee or their family members can have bariatric surgery, but I have to believe that the surgeon I went to would not let it go as far as it has just to be turned down. I definitely have some co-morbid conditions in addition to the greater than 40 BMI; I am being treated for hypothyroidsm, hypertension, have crummy joints, and take an anti-depressive. Shouldn't these count for something?????:biggrin:

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i dont know what CHN is but that seems like an odd clause. is it only your employer that they exclude from the surgery? strange. keep fighting - its worth it!

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Good luck! As you said, you have the co-morbidity covered. Every insurance company is still so different on coverage..........

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Hi, J-BandRanger and sandradee0124 - Thanks for looking at my blog and commenting. CHN is my husband's employer (Carondelet Health Network) and yes, it really does EXCLUDE their employees and spouses from the lapband surgery. However, CHN lost their bariatric surgeon, after spending tons of money on equipment, etc., and then he left to go to a competing hospital. So...with that said, I am hoping maybe by having to go outside the network, they just might approve me. Had the nutritional eval today so am keeping everything crossed! Thanks for the vote of confidence.

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