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Post Op Day 17

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Ok so it has been awhile. I have had a few struggles over the last week with weight loss. I had been losing about a pound a day and for 4 days I lost nothing. I have been extremely gassy and had bouts of diarrhea and constipation. I went to my support group and the nurse and dietitcian sort of helped me figure some things out. I am now including 1 solid item a day in my diet. I have tried mashed potatoes, cream of chicken soup, scrambled eggs and today I tried tuna. I have tolerated all of them well. The tuna today made me kinda bloated. I think I will stay away from that a little longer. I still intend to continue my protein drinks. I really like the GNC Soy protein chocolate and in 16 ounces with skim milk I can get 70 g of protein. They are convenient and I am not hungry in the morning so I can take it with me to work. Anyway, bloating and gas are gone today and I was down 2 pounds from yesterday. School starts Monday and I am in a good place emotionally and nutritionally. I have dropped 26.5 pounds and I think most of my clothes will fit again. I will wait for awhile to buy new stuff. I barely got to wear the new stuff I bought in the spring before it was too small. I am excited for the future and prepared to do battle in the classroom. My knee works great now thanks to surgery in June and I have satisfied the arthritis dragon for another couple of months.:biggrin:

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I had a lot of gas with my protein shakes (no sugar added Carnation Instant Breakfast), my doctor suggested I change from milk to Lactaid and it made a huge difference. . . .are you using milk? Switching might help . . .best wishes!

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Yes, lactose intolerance was a big deal with me as well post op. Gas X helped, but when I went to mushies the issues went away. You are doing so well! Congrats on your success and good luck this year in school :-)

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