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1 day post-op..

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Hi everyone..this is my first post on the blog.. Yesterday i had my lap-band® procedure done by the amazing Dr. Timothy Ehrlich at Griffin Hospital in CT ..im taking in liquids really well and only felt a little bit of nausea right after surgery, but otherwise i am just feeling really sore in my abdominal area. Does anyone know how long it takes for that pain to go away?? Any input is appreciated! Thanks! :biggrin:

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Mine lasted 3-4 days and then I was feeling good. I was still a little sore about 10-14 days out but nothing like the first few days. I slept kind of sitting up and it helped a lot. Mostly low sodium chicken broth, sugar free jello, warm tea, water and sugar free popsicles! oh and don't forget the gas x it helps sooo much and walk to get the gas moving!

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Mine lasted 5-8 days. Try V8 juice as I did. Soups. Then mushies: mash pot's, pork and beans. Good luck on your journey.

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HEALTHY111 said it exactly right . . . every day should get a little better, but walking and GASX are very beneficial. Best wishes!

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Walk often. Helps with the gas as well as prevents blood clot issues post surgery. Hot pads. Liquids. Rest. And yeah!!! You did it! Celebrate the success :-)

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