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9 Days Post-op

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Short and sweet today:

  • Getting much more water down at a time;
  • Still sticking mostly to fluids but have had some foods that are more on the pureed side - i.e., well-cooked rice, mashed chick peas with yoghurt.
  • Wounds are feeling pretty good. Only minor discomfort when I move in some positions. Still have blisters but have taken all of the strips off and things look... ok, I think?
  • Was able to sleep on my wounds on my left side last night - heaven!
  • Still extremely weak and easily exhausted. Cannot wait until that part is over.
  • Very rare/minor shoulder-tip pain still. Nothing unmanageable anymore though.

That's all I think for today :thumbup:

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1 Comment

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Hi gabby, it sounds as if you are progressing pretty normal from my experience and from what I've read from others on this site. I was off work for 2 weeks and went back in my 3rd week and was really wiped out . . .it takes time to heal and regain strength. Be good to yourself.

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