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tough time

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my stomach is so sore the swelling, rumbling,blotting is so very uncomfortable, and believe me.... I'm no baby.

It could be so many variables gas= constipation= having one hell of a tough time.

I cant believe i have to work on monday .:thumbup:

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Try the lap banders remedy: gas x strips, water, walking. I've even put the heating pad on my gut and it seemed to help.

You can do this. You have several days. Get rest, try to relax and try the "remedy". Best of luck to you :-)

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I agree with sandra . . all of those helped get me through. When was your surgery? I was off work for 2 weeks and returned on the 3rd week - 10 hour days with an hour commute . .. exhausting, but the next week was better and this week, I'm doing better still. Take care of yourself.

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