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Day 6 Post-op

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First of all, thankyou for the comments on my last entry. I know it was a total drainer to read... just having one of those less than positive days.


I went out for approximately 10 hours last night and was feeling pretty good but completely exhausted -- in fact I was out of breath walking from the movie cinema to the carpark.


I woke up today feeling really good. All of the exhaustion meant that I slept really well. My wounds were feeling quite good also. However, I noticed one of my steri-strips had lifted a little and when I looked underneath it, I had an ENORMOUS blister. It is roughly 1cm in diameter in all directions. It is absolutely horrible.


So after freaking out, trying to phone my surgeon whose office is closed, I phoned the hospital and the nurse told me that sometimes, because the strips have no give in them, if there is swelling (or in my case, coughing) it can cause a friction point.


She told me to take the strips off. But to be honest I'm too scared. I removed them from the 2 smaller wounds and found a bloster under one of those and the starting of one under the other. I cut the strip around the initial blister and the other wound seems to be ok. I'm reluctant to pull the strips off the bigger wounds.


I then proceeded to obsessively stare at the blisters for a few hours :mad:. Fingers crossed that friction is all it is and they go down now.


On another note, trying to get into some sort of food routine. It worried me how weak I was yesterday. I haven't done too badly with it today and have found I'm able to drink a bit more at a time now which is a welcome relief.


I had a weigh-in this morning and have lost 6.6kg (14.5lbs) in 12 days. Looking forward to more improvements in the coming days :).


CRAVING: Cheese, sweet corn and chicken soup, chicken generally, potato, BREAD!

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Im also 6 days post op..today is probaly is the best that i ever felt, I am going to actually leave the house today and go to the grocery store and visit family..my diet has been slim fast in the morning....for lunch i may have a protein shake with jello..dinner would be some form of liquid/cream soup and and maybe a pudding..im barely getting in 600 calories..but i don't feel hungry at all..i drink water or crystal light through the day....had a serious craving for pizza yesterday..watch so many pizza commercials it drove me crazy!!!...i had tomatoes soup for dinner, it actually satisfied my craving!....best of luck to you

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