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1 day post op

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Hello again my fellow "Banders!"


Well as many of you know by now, I was banded at approximatively @ 2pm August 11, 2010!!!


I am currently one day post op, and I feel really good. I sore in the abdominal area, and the upper back. Upper Back, your asking yourself? Me too, as my doctor explained it to me before surgery, while they are in there they stretch your diaphragm, and the nerves that are connected go up you back into the should blade region. He suggested a heating pad and a lite message from my care taker, which are working beautifully on the soreness and discomfort on my back.


As for the surgery, let me get to the meat and potatoes of it for you, cause I know thats really what you want to hear about anyhow!!! No worries thats all I would really want to hear about if I was you reading my ramblings!!!!


Okay so, I got there, had to sign a bunch more paper work, then asked where my new car was waiting for me at!?! Then I was prompted to give a Urine sample (to check that I wasn't pregnant), then I was giving my every to couture' wrist band!!! White with a pretty label!


After that I sat in the lobby with my husband for about 45 minutes. I was then called back to my private room and was administered my IV, had my vitals taken, and given a warm fluids bag. All while sitting in my amazingly gorgeous blue paper evening gown!


In that room for about 35 minutes, and then it was off to the OR, where I remember NOTHING! I remember waking up the recovery room to a really nice RN that helped me get warm, got me to start drinking water and burping, and then helped me get dress, cause it was time to go home!!!


I was released from the surgery center at about 4:45pm and then it was home ward bound for me. We live a good stent away, for we didn't get home until 12:30am this morning, but not worries. I'm a pretty set regimen for now. I'm up and moving around every three to four hours, i take the smallest dosage of the pain medication, and sip down in about 30 minutes my 4-6 oz glass of water and burp some more.


Burping and Farting are very important, because they fill your abdominal area up with gases during the procedure and you have to get it out, its very VERY uncomfortable to be filled with the gases.


Well I think that Ive about covered it, I will post more as more happens! Happy Banding out there! Much luck, best wishes, and prayers to all:thumbup:

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congratulations on your banding and smooth surgery. I'm so looking forward to joining you on the losers bench. Keep us informed

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Congratulations.Your fellow bandsters are very happy for you and welcome you into our little group. Walking will certainly help get rid of the gas, so keep moving. Best of luck! This was the best gift you could have given yourself. 7 weeks out, 24lbs down since surgery and happier than I have been in years.

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Congrats!!! Welcome and Best of luck on your Journey. Bklynike said it!!!Make sure you walk as much as you can.

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Congratulations! So glad things went well for you! Best of luck as you embark on the rest of your journey!

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Thanks everyone! Day one post op went really well, i was up and moving around a lot today, (In between resting), Honestly by back ache i way worse that my stomach discomfort. Used a couple of gas x strips today to help get the gases moving, and that seemed to help a lot. Thanks again everyone!

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