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Oh my legs...my aching legs!! :)

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Thank you all for helping me celebrate Fat Day yesterday!! Thankfully that is past and I feel much better today. :cool:


On Monday, the elevators broke in my office building. Since the service elevator takes so long, I took the stairs. I work on the 18th floor so that is a lot of stairs. I was very sore (especially my calves!) yesterday so I decided to walk down the stairs every day until they don't hurt anymore. I'm not sure if that is genius or nuts!


I did it Monday right before leaving work and going to Jazzercise which I don't think was the best plan. Last night I did it after work too which was fine since I didn't do much in the evening. Although this morning I could hardly get out of bed!! Tonight I'm planning to work out so I thought it would be better to do the stairs in the morning. It only takes 5 minutes which is crazy since it can cause SO MUCH PAIN. Ha! So, I did it and it's done for the day.


During Fat Day, I decided that I needed to vary up my exercising. I have a membership to 24 Hour Fitness but only go for my (very sporadic) personal training sessions. One of my good friends is also a member so I challenged her to go to some classes. We are supposed to be doing the aqua aerobic class this evening, so that should be fun!


Have a great day everybody!!

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Great that you are exercising, USE THE STAIRS more instead of the elevator. You will feel the pain at first, but after a short while, you will be feeling great and can walk it with ease. Use that as a venue of exercise-you will see the difference...healthier stronger body.

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Wow I am certainly impressed. I couldn't go up or down 18 floors. Keep it up. It is great exercise and will strengthen your heart, as well. Enjoy the water aerobic class, that sounds like a lot of fun.

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Way to go! Hope the legs are feeling better tonight! I love water aerobics -- hopefully you hit the hot tub afterwards? Enjoy!

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