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The preface... or is it prologue?

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Well, with these words begins my Lap Band weight loss journey.


I promised myself to start journalling, to help me with this big task ahead of me (no pun intended, I think). And despite being a pretty private person, what better way to be accountable, than to cast the words out there in cybespace? So my journal won't belong just to me. It'll be living out there.


So who am I? My name is Joanne. I live in Canada, in Vancouver (or close enough that it doesn't matter), with my husband, our 10-year-old son Munchkin, and our neurotic dog, whom I'll call The Pill. Not his name, but his pseud, so I can protect the innocent, and all that stuff.


Where am I at? I've tried other weight loss methods, mostly Weight Watchers, and Nutrisystem 20-odd years ago. I've tried it on my own, without following a program as well. In grade school I was put on a diet by the school nurse, and that was a memorable experience. She posted my weight tracker in her office, where if students got sick they could go lie down. So EVERYONE knew how much I weighed. Sigh.


I've got a few co-morbidities (don't you just LOVE that word?), namely Type II diabetes and PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). I've been overweight all my life. I don't remember a single moment being at a normal weight.


I have a loving husband who is the gentlest soul ever, and who has never spoken of my weight in less than supportive terms. And who, every time I'd mention wanting to do something about it would become my biggest cheerleader. I have a great support system behind me.


Since in Canada lap band surgery, or any weight loss surgery, is not paid for by insurance, we will be paying for it ourselves. We're in the midst of renovating our house right now, so we're investing the 'renovating the bedrooms' money in my health.


Because the cost is so prohibitive in Canada (about $12 to $14 thousand) I'll likely be going to Mexico for the surgery. My GP is the one who first steered me that way. The first time I told him I was considering banding, he mentioned Mexico to me. Before then, I had been fretting about how to finance the more expensive surgery. So now we can get this done without sacrificing the kitchen renos, and without waiting much longer.


If all goes well, I should be going to be banded in early December.


Oh, one thing I didn't say earlier. I travel a lot for work, and right now I'm in an airport lounge, on my way home. And they've just called my flight. So I have to skedaddle. More updates soon! :)



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Hi, Joanne: Welcome to our bandster world. Being banded will be worth every cent you spend. You can always remodel, and the best part is you will live longer to enjoy it.

I just spent $13,400 out of pocket because my insurance at work stinks and they wouldn't pay for any part of it. I was banded on 6/21 and have lost 21lbs as of today. I have not felt this good in years. I eat right, better than ever before, I go to the gym 3 days a week and work out at home on days I am not at the gym. I also joined this site to journal - it's a lot more fun than writing in a book.

Best of luck and go for it. It will be the best money you could ever spend. Eileen

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Hi, welcome. I also am a Canadian girl getting banded in Mexico. I live in Winnipeg but lived half of my life in Vancouver. I am getting banded Sept.2. Good luck to you in your journey!


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Congratulations and welcome Joanne!! You will find a lot of support,encouragement,friends, ideas and even great recipes on this site. I am glad you joined and chose to share your journey with us. December will be here before you know it. Good Luck.

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Welcome and Best wishes I get on this site and bog everyday and I am honest with myself. I love my LB and have banded June 29,2009 I have taken off 110 wonderful pounds in a year. Yes, miracles do happen. Follow all the rules I would do this no matter what the cost. Best gift I ever gave myself. Best wishes to you on your journey. imaluckydog

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HI! I am very interested in getting surgery in Mexico, would like to hear more about your decision, etc. , very much appreciate exchanging emails. thank you so much!

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