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Finally getting better!

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Alright everyone, so the last time I posted something on here I was having a really hard time but I'm happy to report it's finally getting better!!! I'm now able to have a little more since i'm in the 3rd week post op. I'm still not eating that much but being able to have more of a variety has really helped. The only frustration I currently have is I don't think I've lost more than 5 pounds and that includes the pre op diet i was on for 2 weeks. They tell me once I have my first fill and actually have some restriction I will start loosing the weight but I'm still in the pre surgery mindset that if i'm on a diet i should be loosing weight and i'm just not! I'm sticking to the post op diet to a T and especially watching portions and i just don't get it. i'm taking in so much less than i had been but no weight loss? I've been reading posts on here where some people have been loosing like 5 lbs a week or more and had the surgery about the same time as me...? any thoughts?

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I know it is hard to not be frustrated!!! It sounds like you are doing great. You are doing everything you are supposed to do. You just have to have faith that you will see the results. I have to stop comparing weight loss to others on here or it would drive me crazy. Do you feel better in your clothes? Maybe you are losing more inches than you know.

Check out my blog: Believe

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You are doing great and stop comparing yourself to others. We all lose weight in our own way.

PS: Are you walking!!!!

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(((HUGS))) Glad to hear that you are feeling better. I am confident the weight will come off - it just comes off differently for different people. Hang in there. If you are doing everything right - you are bound to see the rewards! Don't give up!

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I do feel better in my clothes. I feel like I've lost inches, I guess I'm still hung up on the numbers on the scale though. I'm trying to stay positive but when people notice and ask "how many pounds have you lost", i'm just like, uh, I'm not sure...lol. i guess i just want to tell them a number to have the gratification of "oh wow that's so good". I guess i'm just venting; i know deep down that as long as i feel better and look better it doesn't matter what the scale says!

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Sounds like you are doing everything right southern . . .and my motto through all of this has always been, I don't care how slowly it comes off . . that's ok . . I just want it to stay off - that's my main goal. This is a different journey than any "diet" we ever took on. Hang in there!

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