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I feel like such a loser

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I blogged for the first time last night. that I hve had the band for two years and I have failed my band, I just thought it was going to magically take away my weight with me not haveing to do anything. My life got real real crazy for a year,now things have calmed down and I am focused on myself and restarting eating right, slowly and all the things we are suppose to do. Anyway I went to a lapbnd support group my surgeon has been having and I felt like such loser. I am the only person who not only did not lose weight I gained back the weight I lost right before surgery. Most people there had lost 25 or more pds and they have had the band less then me. I left there felling like such a loser and wanting to eat.But I didnt. Iwish I didnt beat myself up so bad but I do. My whole life I have failed at weight loss nd now I cant believe I have filed at this too.I ws not like this last night I was in such better place I dont know why seeing people who have lost weight vs blogging people has had such a bd reaction to me. Anyway thanks for letting me share this.

My stomache has been hurting alot too my Dr keeps saying its not the band but he finally said I can get an upper GI. thanks for letting me vent

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Keep venting. Get the upper GI and clean up with the food. You want it, I can hear it in your words. Keep blogging people on these pages will support you every step of the way no matter what it takes. Just keep coming back and read and post and Follow the banders set of rules you have the band. It is willing to let you help it to help you lose if you are willing to work with it. Make a commitment to yourself and let the past be in the past. Start today and have it be the first day of the rest of you're amazing life. Best wishes on your journey. I know you can do this, I believe in you and your desire to lose. imaluckydog

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Don't compare yourself to anyone but yourself. How far have you come since your band? Maybe it doesn't show on the scale but you are here blogging which means you are still motivated. Look for the things you have changed and focus on them. Some people don't do well taking in more than one small change at a time. I think we are always trying to keep up with everyone else in life we forget to be good to ourselves. This is YOUR journey and however long this journey takes is up to you. As long as you don't forget to enjoy each stage of it.

I'm taking each stage and really taking my time to get to know myself again. I have been so lost that I lost touch with so many things that are slowly coming back to me. I"m in no way competing with anyone to see who gets there the fastest. Instead i'm doing what it takes to make sure I make permanent changes...even if it takes me twice as long. I want to understand my body and how it reacts to foods mentally and physiaclly. I'm taking my time and doing the best I can. If I mess up, so be it...I get up dust myself off and say ok take 2.

We are all human, with strengths in different areas. Find your strengths and let them help you.

Vent anytime...it really helps!

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Pointbeach..please stay connected with this site but I also want you to go to more support groups as well. Althougth I love going to my support group so that I can see other bandsters face to face the one complaint that I have and I do not know how to change it is that 99% of all the attendees to most support groups are SUCCESSFUL...those who really need the support are not brave like yourself and go!! You were very brave and strong and actually went! I hope you spoke or actually roared so people could open thier hearts up to you and give you support! It takes a lot of courage to be there when everyone is going on about all of thier success and you are the only one saying "you failed". You are not a failure. That is the past, you have already taking the bull by the horn and are taking the right steps!! I am woman hear me roar!!! Please stay positive and you CAN do this!! Take care!

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I am feeling better today I really appreciate the support. I started doing liquids today and my stomach feels better and I am going for an upper GI on Monday.Yesterday at the meeting I did not speak about my failure ISomeone asked me how much weight I lost and I did not answer or tell them I had the band for two years. I did speak thought about what I am doing now to succeed, like going on this website every night so Thanks again. Maybe next week when I go I will say something, because I know by this website I am n ot alone.

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You aren't alone. I go on here and read where people have lost twice or three times more than I have and it hurts and I feel like a failure too. I don't have a support group to go to so I go on here and get support. I was doing everything wrong when I first got my band and now I am doing everything right most of the time but I do fail at what I eat or don't exercise some days but I get right back on track the next day. You can do this. Just keep going to the support group and don't compare yourself. My surgeon says he wants 1-3 lbs to come off a month and I want that to come off in a week so I am doing what he expects but not what my expectations are of myself. Just try to stay positive and don't be so hard on yourself. We are here for you.

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Pointbeach, I feel exactly the same way. I feel I've failed Lap Band. I lost 25 pound pre surgery and 25 post surgery and I was banded a year ago. I know I fell off my routine drastically. We purchased a house, moved in, planned and had a wedding all within 6 months and I had NO time for fills or workouts for 5 months. I gained 4 pound in those 5 months and I feel horrible. BUT I'M NOT GIVING UP!! I have started getting my fills again, (2 so far) but haven't had much success yet with weight loss. I've resumed my workouts and I see loss in my clothes and know i'm putting on muscle, but I REALLY want to see it on the scale :). I've re-commited myself and you should too. Keep the faith...

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