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Day 18 of pre-op liquid diet, one week til surgery, HELP

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I still have only lost 4 lbs. on this pre-op diet. I do admit I have had a piece of hamburger patty several times. I go in to the doctor on Monday so he can tell me if my surgery will still be on the 15th, based on if my liver has shrunk? How is he really going to tell that? I am so worried that he will postpone the surgery and make me drink this crap for another whole week. I am so stressed.

Any suggestions or comments?


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Has anyone else ever experienced this? I just figured once they give you a date, that is the date. I am so worried, I wish Monday would just get here. Uggghh. I don't think I can handle much more of these shakes. Too sweet.

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i've never heard of them cancelling b/c of a "large liver".... i dont think the doc even sees the size of your liver until he's in there...kind of funny to think of him cuttting you open, looking at your liver and saying "nope. nevermind. wake her up... we'll check back in a week>>>":tt2: ok. not reallly funny, but i'm just trying to make you smile!! :) BTW-my doc didnt even require weeks of pre-op liquids! just one day!!!:tt2:

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Thats funny! Thanks for the laugh, I needed one for sure. I guess I'm just not sure what he is expecting of me when he makes me weigh on Monday and go see him.

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My doctor has done more bloodwork (labs) to see if my LFT (liver function tests) have gone down. He only requires 10 day liquid diet . . .I'll bet you'll be fine . . . try to relax and just follow the plan. Can you have other stuff besides the shakes you mentioned? I am boiling a chicken with some veggies to have some nice fresh broth ?? Good luck.

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I know this may sound at little harsh but this is how mine was 14 days of 3 shakes only. My approach was the more I could shrink my liver the easier the surgery would be for my doctor and less complications for me after the surgery. Also, since I was self pay I kept repeating to myself that if I was going to cheat on the pre-op portion then why pay for the surgery. I would just cheat on the band afterwards. I never cheated and never had any complications. I have been very successful. I have lost 102 lbs in 7 1/2 months. I wish you the very best and hope that I didn't come off too harsh.

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I totally agree with you finallyncontrol. It is a definite state of mind. I just need to get my brain into it. I need to straighten up and sacrifice a little for a whole lifetime of healthy! Thanks for your support and input!

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my three weeks on liquids starts on thursday and i am more worried about this than the actual surgery I know after at least I will be physically unable to eat pizza on the 3 weeks before I am worried that all I will want is the junk food

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