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switching drs.

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I am not happy with my doctor. I don't like he is informing me of what I need to do next. He didn't even come back by to see me when I was in the hospital. I also have heard that most people have had only 1-3 cuts. I had 5 and just don't understand why. I am thinking of changing drs. I am not sure if you can change drs. Someone please advise it they have had to switch drs. I will be going for my 1st fill in a week.

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I'm thinking the same thing.. I'm not happy with my band results or my doctor. I feel like I am bothering him. I will be keeping tabs to see if you get any answers.

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Yea, I feel like I am bothering him. He has given me no advice. I went thru the Novice center and we give a manaul. He told me to get all my inform from the manual. I need a dr to walk me thur this process. What I have learned is from other people. I will post what happens when I try to change drs.

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I've never heard of anyone having just on incision. I have a total of 5 incisions and I am doing very well. I had surgery on June 28th and before I had my surgery I made sure I did my homework and knowing what to expect and what steps I need to take. Now, granted, my doctor came to see me about three times and that was very appreciated but I was also give a manual as well and I was informed that if I had any questions to call. I am able to speak to his assistant which she is like a nurse but mainly I continue to do my homework by researching. I don't think you should give up on your doctor so soon, you just had your surgey a week ago. You got to talk to him and let him know your feelings.

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The single incision method is new and not widely used. Most people will have 3-5 incisions, the number of incisions depends on how difficult it is to place the band in you. Did you discuss concerns about your incisions before the surgery? I spoke with my surgeon at length about my concern about scars, etc. In the end he did a great job 2 of my 4 incisions are invisible.

It sounds like a cop-out but your doctors have a very good reason for telling you to read the manual, that way you are fully informed and not relying on other people or misinformation. It also sets the foundation for your lapband journey, because in the end he won't be there to walk you through it. He wants you to read it so you understand every part of the band, what to look for, what to eat, how to eat, etc... Getting the information yourself you're more likely to retain it than when someone gives it to you.

I can't speak to your doctor's bedside manner but understand they have 100's and in some cases 1000's of patients, they cannot walk each person through their lapband journey. If your doctor is anything like mine he had 10 other surgeries the same day you had surgery. The office staff is there to support you and help you along the way, as well as sites like this and support groups. People tend to confuse the term doctor and surgeon... there is a difference. While they both have MD after their name the patient expectation is different, he's there to consult and execute a surgery, not provide the type of 1 on 1 care a regular doctor would.

Hope that helps and best of luck to you, if you've just had surgery it takes some getting used to, but the best thing you can do is research and learn it for yourself.

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I only saw my doctor one time for about 20 min then for a few minutes after surgery. I haven't seen him since and I am okay with that. The office staff is wonderful and they handle everything. I haven't had any issues and if I did they are available 24hrs a day. YMJackson is right. The doctor is only there to do the surgery. His office should be guiding you through the rest. Is there a support group for your area? The hospital has a support group meeting once a month and my surgeon attends every month. I haven't been yet because of my work schedule but I have talked to others that have and it is very helpful. I have had 2 fills and a nutritionist appt at that office and am very happy. I am not concerned if I don't see my doctor. Remember though, every doctor is different on what they want you to do and what plan to follow. It is a very WIDE difference.

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I am extremely spolied...I see my doctor every month and he will spend as much time with me as I need or want. He doesn't rush me at all. He will admit that he does talk fast but I like that. He will also slow down and repeat it. He also trains resident doctors so he has a lot of patience. The bottom line for me is you must believe in your doctor but you also have to remember that your band is a tool so you have to remember that you have to believe in yourself and work the tool. The doctor doesn't just flip a switch and make the tool work. I tell him that he is my babysitter and I want to please him but ultimately it is up to me if I make good choices of food or not. My doctor also does other surgeries than lapband so I know he has other clients..he has done 3 other sugeries on me so we have a history. He would prefer to lapbands but he is a surgeon. I hope that find the doctor/staff that suites you the best. Best wishes on your journey!!

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Thanks everyone. I will give my dr a chance. Maybe I just being a baby about the whole thing. I have gone on line and done a lot of research myself. If I had not gone a line, I would be completely in the dark. I do feel like those drs are making big bucks and should show a little consideration. I work with 100s of people a week and if I treated them like my dr treated me, I would be ffired. But anyway. here's to given the dr another chance.

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