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Another step forward!

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Drake alp


I love meeting with Laura, my dietician. The meeting this morning went great. I am 2 weeks post-op tomorrow and I was concerned about (1) hunger that has come on recently, and (2) the amount of calories, proteins, and carbs I'm eating.


For the program I'm in, hunger at 2 weeks means that I healed properly. She said it means "I did everything right." :frown: Made me feel so good - I have totally committed to this and some days have been hard but I'm winning the battle day by day!


I can start doing some band work and it's ok to do the walking in our neighborhood that I so love. Just no abs! I've gone for years not WANTING to do abs and now someone is telling me not to. I'm sure we'll get to those soon enough --- no doubt they will need some attention.


I chatted with her about how my mix has changed since surgery. On pre-op I was having 75% protein and hitting about 900 calories a day. Since going on pureed I'm averaging 600 or so a day with about 40-50% protein. More good news - for me, that's right where they want me to be.


I see her in 8 weeks. I laughed and once again reminded her to 'take a look at me now!' because there's nowhere to go but DOWN and next time she sees me I will be SMALLER. She always laughs but I haven't let her (or myself) down yet!


I go back in 2 weeks. With as much hunger as I have, I'm guessing I will get a fill. I'm making the transition to eating pureeds only 3 times a day. That's going to be tough. But I get to go from 2 oz. to 3 oz. Just had my first 3 oz of chili and it was filling. That's a very positive sign. I'll be doing Carnation Instant Breakfast mix in between if I'm hungry. Goal is to get 2-3 of those down per day in addition to the (3) 3 oz servings of pureeds.


Upcoming goals:

25% of weight gone by this Friday. I'm 1 lb. away.

Under 200# by next visit with Laura in 8 weeks. That's 19#s I'll need to lose.


Hope everyone out there is doing great no matter what phase of the process you are going through. Make it a great day!!

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What an encouraging blog . . . I'll be banded a week from tomorrow and I love reading these success stories. Keep up the good work!

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