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"I can't find anything to wear"~~~I can't believe I DON'T say this anymore!!!!!!!

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:smile:Well it use to be a fiasco in the mornings as I prepared to go to work, just to find something in my closet that would fit!!!:sad:



Well those days are over, down 91 lbs this morning, and facing my one year bandiversary on the 29th of this month! I feel great and I have not been frustrated at all in finding something that fits me to wear to work!!! I just realized how awesome that is!!!!


Now I just have to decide WHAT it is that I want to wear to work! I actually like wearing makeup again, because I don't sweat it off! I am learning new makeup techniques and I have a new Hairdo too! I actually straightened my hair which is naturally curly the other day with a curling iron and I LIKED it. Before I lost weight I don't think I CARED very much. Now I DO!!!! A lot of people have told me I look younger and I think I do too!:)


Being smaller makes me happy!


I have to tell you ladies, nothing makes me madder though than to hear a remark like I did yesterday! There was a big girl, at a convention center who was wearing clothing not flattering to her larger figure, she did look Fat and not at all attractive. Now, as a big girl, I KNEW my limitations and always dressed appropriately. One man said, "Now there is at least 350 lbs on hoof" Comparing a woman to a cow is not respectful at all, and a tiny girl was laughing with him at this woman. To tell you the truth, it broke my heart! I feel so much compassion for all of us big people, we are NOT treated fairly in the workplace or any other place for that matter, and most big people I know have more class, more heart, more of everything than some of the skinny people I know. I pray that God gives me a compassion and a role to play to others to witness the results of the LAP-BAND® to others who will listen, I believe with all my heart that the timing of the funds I recieved to have my LAP-BAND®, were in Gods hands, and I will continue to do my best to make this work in my life and help all others I come into contact with do the same. We have to learn as a society to love all people the same, no matter the situations we have in life. Have a great day all!:rolleyes:

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Great post, thank you! And congratulations on your fantastic weight loss. You are always very inspiring to me and I love to read your posts -- they always make me feel hopeful.

Sandy Devine

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Awesome Blog! How true it is I was in upper management at a large company before the economic crisis and I actually had a company President tell me to hire the "sexy skinny girls for the sales jobs" because he didn't want a large "fat" woman representing our company, and I AM a larger woman I was appalled but dared not say anything but it made me realize why I was never promoted to the "sales" side within that company! It is heartbreaking for us who have lived it and experienced the discrimmination and smirks from others and being ignored for a job or promotion based on physical appearance when I could outsale the "skinny" girls in a heartbeat! I eventually left that company and my first year in sales with a competitor I made six figures! :D Sandy you are on the right path and are a blessing to others like us keep sharing your stories it helps!

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You are so welcome Healthy111! I feel that we are probably more discriminated against than any race, they have far more protection from it! I too now work in HR, but as an assistant, and it just infuriates me to see people who "on purpose" can hurt others lives because they can. No empathy for others. NOT Sympothy, I never needed that, but put yourself in my shoes for one time and try not to criticise others to the degree that you make fun of others. God gave us a freedom to choose the "Right" path, the "Right" things to do and the "Right" things to say. If we do not make good use of that Freedom, we might not have it too long, he is in control of our lives, but allows the freedom to choose, so we can apply our teachings to our lives. We are being graded too!

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Hello janetsjourneytoslim I agree it's a shame how some people can be so rude, what was said at that convention

was rude and mean. I look at life this way God put us all on this earth to help each other we are his tools. And your welling to help others should be commended. Just like me, I do mine by shareing my recipes of the day. This is how am giving back like you.. Congrats on all you have accomplish in your weight lose... LOVE IT!

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You are so right Debra G! I am going to use some of your recipies for my low carb diet this week, thanks so much for helping me with this. I also want to add that there are those that would feel they will NEVER be small enough and are never content with the way they look and feel. I have tiny friends and fat friends too and I love them all! Some of my tiny friends freak out when they gain five lbs, that is a tremendous amount of weight for them to gain. I kinda know how they feel, the five lbs point is a stopping point and they turn it around, it bothers me when I follow a plan and don't lose weight at all, but I have learned to be content in all things.

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