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Im starving day one is hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My gosh this water and jello, and atkins shakes are just making me want BREAD! lol Small price to pay for a long healthy lifestyle (keep repeating in head!) :rolleyes:

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I feel the same way! I'm on day 10 and have 14 more to go. And I'm still hungry. I just crave salt :D Hang in there. It's bound to get better sometime, right??!!

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Wow toshao, my surgeon requires just 10 days of liquid diet pre-op . . .hang in there both of you (kmshea81 too!)

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I know it's so crazy! I hope the doc doesn't expect a lot of weight loss before- I've only lost 4 lbs. Otherwise, what are we having the surgery for if its that easy to lose it??!!??

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My fast is for a total of 28 days 14 pre-op and 14 post op. I am dying lol. I am craving everything and I am on day 3 it is easier today then it was day 1 but the weekend is coming...

: /. My surgery is scheduled for July 13th I need to loose 80-90 pds and I hope I have some of the same success rate as some of the banders on here that have lost that in 6-9 months!!! Hope everyone else is doing well!!!

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Hang in there. This is my second day and it is tough. For me it's hard because I am still cooking for the rest of the family. I think everyone in the house should be on this. lol We can do this! I keep asking myself, "Am I hungry or is it in my head?"

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