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Question about lap band

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I went friday to my family doctor and he said I am a perfect canidate for the operation. So I have my 1st about July 12 with the Dietation, Nurse, and Psycholodical eval all in one day so what should I except? I am really wanting to get this done but I have a hard time staying or stopping from drinking soda, sweet tea, and chocolate. I thank that is why I am so heavy now but I also had two children and I also have diabetes. I also went to day and got a membership at the gym so I am starting/trying to get my self ready. For the people that has had the operation is it really hard to eat right, does the fill hurt, and how long are you sore or hurting after the operation?:)

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Well congratulations on making the BEST decision you could ever make for yourself! To answer your questions:

It varies depending on your insurance on what to expect. Typically a visit to the dietician will go over your diet, meaning what you eat and what you should be eating. The nurse will check your vitals, the psychologist will make sure you're mentally stable to have the surgery and have the mental/emotional support system necessary post-op to be successful.

It's great that you joined the gym today, now just form the habit of going.

On to the next thing.. you're drinking soda and sweet tea and being diabetic. You're only harming yourself, and each drink takes moments off of your life. That sounds dramatic but that's true.

With the band, you WONT be able to drink soda, it will be very uncomfortable for you, pressure and gas pains. The sweet tea, I drink myself. HOWEVER, I limit myself to no more than 2 a week and if I make it at home I make it with Agave Nectar which is MUCH better for you than sugar.

Think about those two children you have and think about what's best for them and know that you're making this awesome decision not only for you but for them as well.

Eating healthy is not hard once you get into it, the benefits pay off. The minute you start seeing results the more motivated you'll become. Also fills do not hurt, most dr's numb you first. The pain is minimal, I was back to normal and pain free by day 3. Off all pain medicals after a day and half. If you've had two kids this is NOTHING :)

It only takes your body 21 days to form a habit good or bad, so if you can work on forming good habits you'll be just fine! Again congratulations.. You truly are on the path to your new life.

I'm 6 months post op and I would do this surgery again in a heartbeat.

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Knapp - I think ymjackson1 explained it the best way possible. Good Luck and stay positive and focused - walk, walk, walk and chew, chew, chew :)

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Eating differently does get easier with time. I haven't had a soda in over a year. I got surgery four months ago but had already conditioned my mind to not drink soda, as I did for many other things. I elimintated things from my diet slowly during my four month observation that the insurance required. I logged my foods daily and brought the logs to my nutritionist monthly. She reviewed them and suggested substitutes and eliminations for certain things. The real change to my eating habits happened about a month before surgery. The 2 week pre-op made all of the difference and really helped me realize that many of the old choices were no longer options. Does the fill hurt? Nope

How long are you sore or hurting after the operation? I was never sore. I had alot of pain from the gas three days after surgery that lasted for about a week. I walked the gas out and used a heating pad. They also give you a prescription for pain.

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I haven't had my surgery yet, but it's schedule for july 12...My pre-op diet started out really difficult but like jmunks2000 said it really makes you think about bad eating habits we've developed through the years. You have made the right decision to change your life. I knew it was time to change my life or loss it... I have sleep apnea, high blood pressure, high cholesteral and acid reflux....so the big D was right around the corner. Good Luck!!!!

Starting weight 232 today 222 started pre-op diet 6/21

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i too am a diabetic who lived off soda...and snacks ...i cooked 1 meal a day and i also have 2 small kids...this process took me exactly 1 year from start til surgery day...i had the hardest time giving up soda i tried to wean off it ect ..but nothing worked..finally i had to let my ocd kick in and i said on new yrs eve that was it...at 1145 pm i took my last bottle up with me and swigged it down ..and never looked back...it was hard i wont lie...i felt like a crack junky going off ....but i did it...i started drinking sobe life waters 0 calorie only the red 1s...{ocd} but i did it and they waited 6 months for surgery...since having this surgery i have , 1 week post op i was able to go off 1 of 3 diabeties meds...still working to go off all meds...i wont lie,this is work...the band is only a tool ...i am only 4 weeks post op and i find i have cheated a couple times already , not with soda but with sweets...but i get right back on...just take it 1 day at a time and do everything your drs tell you...u can do this!!!

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Thanks, for all the comments and support...I sure need it I have got it in my mind what I need to do and I am slowly trying to do the right thing..I just worry about after I loose so much weight what am I going to do about the extra skin I am going to continue to work out each day and just hope that working out takes care of it for me...So the ones that have had the operation already how much weight have you lost?

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