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Day 2 Post op and the secret

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Today I had to go to the doctors office which is a good 35 minutes away. Potholes and any bumps were not good!:thumbup:

Very sore today and VERY tired. I slept on the couch during the night so I could keep moving if I needed to without waking the husband. Sleeping in the bed is difficult anyway. I attempted a nap and any time I moved I woke up. I do have gas today but it usually goes right away after I get up and move. I tried to just take tylenol instead of the pain meds but its too soon. I have no hunger what so ever and have been sticking to broth, jello and icepops. I had an isopure today..yuk! :eek: Dr. said I can start pureed food Friday after my next appt with them. :tt1:


The hardest part of this whole thing is that I am keeping this a secret from a lot of people. Only about 8 people know. The people I trust the most. No one at work knows ( i teach so I am off for the summer) nor do my neighbors know. I am not a good liar but I just felt like I don't want anyone to judge me or "monitor" my progress. So avoiding people this week is hard. Did anyone else keep this a secret?

Maybe in time I will tell but I just feel its no ones business.

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Hello, I know the feeling. The only people that knos is my hubby, sister and my mom. Neither my sis not mom lives near me so I don't have to worry about them spilling the beans. My co-workers are so nosey, they know I was having a surgery but not a lap band. I plan on keeping it a secret. I am filled with Gas and Soreness. I walk just to keep the blood running..

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HI YES I have and only told my husband, son 21 and daughter 20 and sister 45 who had gastric by pass 7 years ago only 4 people know. I have been banded almost a year I also work in a school setting around food. I had my band done June 29, 2009, end of last school year. The BEST gift I ever gave myself along with not telling everyone. I just did not want to answer a million questions. My choice and it has been a Good one. When people ask me what I do I tell them the truth No lies..... I eat healthy, small portions, mostly plants with protein first. I sort of follow a weight watchers program I just go to my nutritionist once a month and we check in I do not have time for meetings, I exercise and because I blog a lot ALL IS TRUE. It is true and people are happy hearing the truth.

It is the best kept secret and it is all mine.

Go slow and take it easy the first few weeks. Your insides are healing and for me it took a while. I have lost over 100 pounds this past year and I can't wait to check in at the Dr.'s office next week. The year will fly by for you. Best wishes imaluckydog

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i also kept mind a secret...just family and few close friends...i was dieting before the surgery and everyone knew...so i am assuming they will think its just that...dieting...if they ask i will tell them. i cant believe u got into a car on day 2!! i would have died trying to do that! i am starving..i wish i wasn't hungry..it would be so much easier

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i too have kept this a secret from everyone. i believe this is my secret and mine only. like you, i dont need no one "monitoring me" or judging me. My husband and kids, along with my sister and best friend is the only people who knows i got banded. I didnt even tell my parents (they have big mouths...lol). i talked to my doctor, asked him if it was "healthy" keeping this a secret and he feels as long as my immediate familyn knows, then its no one business. im almost a month out and i only lost 12 lbs. after i "healed", i began to eat a bit more and gained five lbs :) i then lost it again :) my 1st fill is on the 2nd of next month and im hoping to lose a lot more. at this point post surgery, if i wanted to, i can eat as much as i want :) i dont wanna get discouraged, so i'll just wait til after the 1st fill. so bottom line, as long as ur comfortable with keeping the secret to urself, den by all mean, do so :) good luck in ur journey :)

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I also have only told my husband and my parents. I feel it is my secret and mine only as well!! Just like imaluckydog, I don't lie when people ask..I eat small portions, protein first, don't drink with my meals or before/afterwards, I eat very healthy, rarely snack besides on SF popcicles. I say it is similar to adkins only on a smaller scale (instead of eating 3 hamb patties I eat one). I see my doctor once a month. I walk and work out my pool almost daily. I have journals proving I have lost 96 lbs in 7 months. All of this is true.

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