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10 days post-op

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Here I am 10 days out after surgery. When I first visited my doctor I was 260 lbs. I'm now 242. I've lost 10 lbs just since the surgery. So that's about 1 lb per day. The weight loss is slowing since I'm not doing liquids only anymore. As soon as I felt like I could tolerate soft foods I started eating them since I was so miserable and hungry doing liquids only for so long. I did liquids for a week before surgery and a week after before I started soft things. I know I probably should've waited a bit longer but I've been doing OK with things like mashed potatoes and anything squishy. Even things that are solid go down fine as long as I chew them up really really well. The only thing I've had a problem with were the stupid chocolate things DQ put in my blizzard today. They were sticky and so now I feel like they're stuck together in my pouch. I feel like I have some major heartburn. I'm going to try some of the methods mentioned in the forums about how to get something un-stuck.


I'm going to sign off for now since my hubby's back with his dinner. Lucky boy gets pizza :thumbup:

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